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Quick & Dirty SEO Competitor Analysis (Discovery)

This is a premium training for Inner Circle members only.

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Learn how to spy on your client’s competition as part of your Discovery process, generating valuable deliverables and a winning game plan for expanding digital market share.

This is a follow-up “how to” training related to Part 1: Discovery Deliverables Overview (Real Client Deliverables)

Steps Covered:

  1. UX/UI Competitor Notes
    1. Optional: Recorded Walkthroughs (20-30 min each / top 3-5 competitors)
  2. SEO Dominance List
  3. Competitor Insights
    1. Top Pages by Organic Traffic
    2. Top Keywords Producing Organic Traffic
    3. Top Pages By Links
    4. Digital PR Analysis (In-Content Links / Trafficked Sites)
  4. Keyword Gap Analysis
  5. Link Intersect Analysis
  6. Content Idea Bank

Video Transcript

In a previous training, I did a full walkthrough of SEO discovery deliverables for a real client and a real project. This is a follow-up to that video where we’re going to take a look at how those deliverables are actually generated. So it’s good to have the overview. It’s good to know what’s included and why it’s included and what it looks like. But now we actually have to dive into how can you create those for your own clients. What are the actual steps and what does the actual process look like and that is exactly

what we are going to cover in today’s training. We basically have 10 steps that we’re going to go through. Now there’s six main steps but some of these have sub steps and I’m going to show you how each one is executed so that you can do this exact same thing for your clients. We’re gonna go in order. But I do wanna say that you don’t have to copy exactly what I do to a T. It’s not like this is,

it’s not a right or wrong situation. You can have your own little process. So you can use this as a guide and then branch off of this. You can remove a step, you can add a step. You can change maybe some of the little details within these steps to suit you and your workflow or your clients or the stuff that you care about.

It’s all good. It’s all fine, right? You can definitely just kind of make this your own thing, but use this as your starting point. So we’re going to start with number one, which is UX UI competitor notes. Now this is kind of a two step process. This second step right here where it says optional recorded walkthroughs, 20 to 30 minutes each for the top three to five competitors.

I do that typically with more important clients or clients who are paying more for discovery or clients who have expressed that they want this as an option, right? We talked about how this can be a potential add-on and they say, yeah, I definitely want that. I’m interested in it, right? I don’t do it for every project. So just for the clients who want it or the clients where I feel like, hey, we got to give added value here.

But absolutely, the UX UI competitor notes, which we’re going to take a look at again and refresh everybody’s memory. This is basically, as you see, notes with screenshots. So I go through top three to five competitor websites, I take screenshots of stuff that I like, I think they’re doing well, that I think they’re not doing well, stuff that’s notable.

And then I write notes to go along with it. And so this is very easy for the client to digest. That’s the important point here, is that these video walkthroughs that I was just mentioning are not necessarily super easy for the client to digest. If each one is 20 to 30 minutes long and there’s three to five of them, that’s a significant time investment.

And as you know, videos are not super easy to just scrub through. So not every client is going to want to take the time to watch those walkthroughs. Not to mention, if they want a kind of rundown of what’s the most important stuff, okay? That needs to exist outside of those videos. So that’s exactly what these notes are for right here. I don’t feel like I have to show you how to make screenshots, but I know some of you are interested in how I produce these screenshots with the backgrounds and the

arrows and things like that, I’m on a Mac. I use an app called CleanShotX. So CleanShotX, I generate all these screenshots super easy, super fast, makes everything nice and pretty and consistent. Really, really good. You can use whatever app you want. You can take raw screenshots with Windows or Mac. However, this is not one of those details that’s absolutely critical, but I wanted to answer it for the people who are interested. But main thing to know is this happens on every single discovery project. Okay. If I’m doing discovery, we’re doing UX, UI, competitor notes,

just like this super casual, just toss the screenshots in, type up your notes about them, have it all in one place, one document, really, really, really good. Then if you want to do the add-on, the 20 to 30 minute website critiques, if you want like a how do you actually do that, Kevin, well again, it’s gonna come down to screen recording software. So whatever your preferred screen recording software is.

And then I would recommend doing it exactly the way that I do it on WDD live streams. So every Wednesday, or actually every Tuesday now, I do a live stream called WDD Live, Web Design for Dummies. I do in-depth website critiques. The style that I do those critiques in, very casual, very like, let’s just walk through the site,

let’s talk about all these important areas, what was done right, what was done wrong. I do it exactly like that. And I put each competitor in a separate video. It really helps them understand what makes a website successful and what makes a website unsuccessful, which in the project timeline that you’re gonna walk with them through, that can actually come in very,

very handy because when they make suggestions for things, you can kind of point them back to, oh, remember those comments I made in an XYZ walkthrough video about why that’s not such a great idea? It really, really, really helps in that regard as well. But again, it is optional. I don’t do it for every single project. I do these UX UI competitor notes on every single project.

Step two, SEO dominance list. Let’s take a look at what this actually looks like. So again, it’s a rough casual list of the top 10. And again, you’re gonna ask your client for hey what are your top 10 competitors if you have five that’s fine ten is better because we want to narrow the competitors list down to a top three to five so in order to do that you kind of need more to start with right so I typically say just give me ten of your competitors I’ll go ahead and rank them okay but just give me ten and then I

look them up and then we create this list from here. Now how is this list actually created? Well, I look at, and again, this is where you can kind of do your own thing if you want to, but these are the metrics that I tend to care about most. I look at domain rating. That is a score given by the SEO tool that you happen to be using.

I use Ahrefs. And so that kind of gives like a brand power or a dominance rating for that website in that market. And then we have the number of referring domains. Why? Because referring domains, which are backlinks, but they’re unique backlinks, counted one per domain. So a website, just pick a random website,

New York Times, right, links to you. If they link to you 100 times, that’s 100 backlinks, but it’s only one unique referring domain. And that’s really what I care about most is unique referring domains because having a ton of backlinks from irrelevant websites, for example, that, yeah, that’s a lot of backlinks, but they’re backlinks that don’t really do all that much for you. Now, if you have a ton of referring domains, that is a widespread amount of backlinks. Okay.

I don’t actually care about the number of backlinks all that much, it’s the number of referring domains that I think is critical. So that’s what I look at. And then just traffic from organic search. So not traffic in general, and by the way, we can’t really get, obviously we don’t have access to the stats for all these companies,

but a tool like Ahrefs gives you a traffic estimate that is organic traffic from search, no other, no social traffic, no general direct traffic, just organic from search, and I use that to help rank. So with these three metrics combined, we are able to create a top 10 list. Now how do you actually do that? I’m gonna take one of these competitors right here,

and we’re gonna go into the Ahrefs dashboard. I’m gonna go to the tool called Site Explorer, and I’m gonna pop that domain in, and we are gonna see the stats come up right here on the dashboard. So you can see this DR score right here is 36. If we go back to here, hey, it was 35 when I generated this report, now it is a 36,

but you see, relatively close, right? That is where that number came from. Referring domains, it says 523. If I look right here where it says ref domains that’s giving me that stat right there and so now it is at 504. Ooh they’re referring domains is actually declined a little bit since we last checked this and then traffic 19.6 thousand. So I come in here and their traffic their organic search traffic is actually declined a little bit since then. So they’re currently at 18.8 thousand. Let me go back here. And

so all you do, right, I just, and I came into Basecamp to do this. So if you use Basecamp, you can put all these docs right here in Basecamp. I showed how I had a docs and files area and a folder for discovery. So everything in discovery goes in this folder and this is what happens the SEO dominance rating. Okay, so get a little document together, write the top eight or 10 or whatever competitors that they give you, and then put the stats below. I put the URL so that I can easily get back to it,

and then I put the stats right below, and then I just shuffle them, and I just say, all right, here’s what the order is. Now, the thing I look at most is domain rating, but if there are two sites that are very close in domain rating then it goes to traffic analysis okay because you can have a high domain rating site but if you’re not doing the right things with content marketing and SEO you’re not going to have a lot of traffic so the traffic is the next most important

thing so I want to know brand dominance but then I want to know who’s actually leveraging that brand dominance correctly, and that shows up in the traffic numbers. So you hear, you see, there are two sites that are more or less equal when it comes to brand dominance but one of them is leveraging that brand dominance way better than the other site, so they win. They rank higher.

Okay, so DR27 and then 19, see here’s a DR33 down here, okay. And so these, I was saying, you know what, I’m actually putting them like this 27, okay, 27 is fairly close to 33. This site is not going to win just because they’re a 33. This site that’s a 27 is already doing better with their brand rating than this 33 site down here and this 32 site down here. Now 19 is a little bit far off from 33. It’s almost half of that.

But at the same time, 19 is not nothing, right? 19 is decent. Okay. So again, it’s not like where these sites are blowing other sites out of the water with a 60 or a 70 or something like that. That would skew where I put them in the list because here’s the thing, if you’ve got such, like a much higher domain rating,

if you can get your shit together, right, and start doing SEO and content marketing the right way, you could start winning like that. So that’s why I tend to say, hey, if these were like 40, 50, 60, somewhere in there, I would put them up here even though they have low traffic, they don’t seem to be capitalizing on their brand authority, why?

Because overnight, the situation may change. The minute they get their shit together, they’re going to be number one. They’re going to start dominating because they have the brand authority to do it. They have that domain rating required to make that easy. Okay, like the higher your domain rating is typically, the easier it is to rank for things.

So that’s, again, you can analyze this stuff however you want, but that’s kind of the approach that I take. Traffic is gonna win when the DRs are relatively in the same area, but the minute a DR goes way higher than everybody else, I gotta take note of that because the minute they start doing stuff right on SEO and content marketing,

they’re gonna shoot up to the top easily. And then may well surpass everybody by a long shot. So that’s just how I do the list. It’s very simple, very easy. Okay, let’s close that one out. The next thing we’re gonna talk about is competitor insights. Now, these are individual insights.

I’m gonna open this up. Here’s the competitor insights folder and you see each top five competitor. I actually chose four for this client right here. So I said three to five. Four is right in the middle there. Each one gets its own file. So we’re gonna open Maxim Crane Insights and you’re gonna see top pages by organic traffic, top keywords producing organic traffic, top pages by links. Okay. And then I had another one that I think I wanted to add,

we actually might wanna add a fourth one here. I wanna see if I put it down here, keyword gap analysis, no, link intersect, content, idea bank. I’m actually going to edit this real quick. We’re gonna go to 11. There was another, oh, there it was. I don’t know why I didn’t save changes.

Okay, yeah, okay, now it’s there. All right, so it’s actually gonna be 11, really, deliverables here. So we’re gonna do a little quick digital PR analysis as well. But let’s start with top pages by organic traffic. And let me open this up so you can see what it looks like. Guys, it’s just a spreadsheet, okay?

That we’re effectively giving raw data, and then we’re giving our analysis here. And then this raw data actually helps us do other things like compile a sitemap. And I’m not doing a sitemap in this video because we’ve already done a whole sitemap video that you can watch on how to create an SEO site map. So we’re not going to like reiterate things that we’ve already done here.

All right. So how is this top pages by organic traffic report created? Top pages by organic traffic. Here I am in the site explorer, Maxim Crane dot com. Here’s your stats. What we have to look at now is this left sidebar column over here. And Ahrefs actually has a report for us called Top Pages. Okay, so I’m gonna scroll down here.

We don’t have to worry about this graph right here, but I’m gonna scroll down here. And the one thing that you need to know is that you can sort and filter however you want by priority. Now, if you wanna say, let’s do it by traffic, and I think that’s the default. I think traffic is the default.

It’s gonna put the highest traffic pages up here and it’s gonna scroll all the way down and it’s gonna have multiple, multiple, multiple pages. You can decide, right, like what are the numbers you actually care about because you can say from to. So if you don’t care about the pages that have no traffic, which is good, right,

you don’t want to put a bunch of junk in the spreadsheet effectively, right? Because we’re analyzing pages that have zero traffic. It’s like, why are we analyzing these pages? So you can say something like, hey, it’s got to have at least 100 visitors per month in terms of traffic. So I can just say, okay, and then show results.

And guess what? Now, look at that. No more pages. No more pages. The minute I did that, it’s like, oh, there’s actually just a handful of URLs that we have to look at here, which is a lot easier and a lot better for analysis.

So that’s typically something that I do is I turn on one of these little filters and I say, look, I don’t wanna analyze pages that had no traffic. This is a top pages report. Zero can’t be a top page, okay? So let’s put in a minimum of 100, but there’s some other things that you can do here. So I would encourage you to look at the filters and just see what else might make sense for

the report that you are trying to generate. Now once you’ve got your results the way that you want them, you can just go up here and hit export and you can actually choose to go, and I think there’s a, yeah, I can export a CSV then upload it to Google Drive. I think there’s an integration in here for Google Drive where it’ll just export directly to Sheets. I don’t know. Don’t quote me.

It’s not the way that I have mine set up. I just export the file, then I upload it to Google Drive, and then I link to Google Drive inside of Basecamp. But this is how you generate that top pages report right there. And again, you should be, so what do you do with that report? You’re gonna be looking at that report and saying,

okay, well this competitor has these top pages, and then you have three to five competitors with these top pages reports, you got it your job to go through those and say what pages does my client not have? How are they getting this organic traffic? These competitors are getting these organic traffic, these great results from these pages, why doesn’t my client have them? And if you determine, okay well some of these pages aren’t super relevant to what my client does, so it doesn’t even make sense

to make them, but maybe you identify five to 10 where it’s like, oh, my client’s gotta have these. Well, guess what? Those go right into your site map that you’ve been building, okay? The site architecture game plan. Take these pages, put them in that site map, and now they’re part of your game plan.

Simple as that. Okay, top keywords producing organic traffic. So the next thing we’re gonna do, we’re gonna go ahead and close that out, and we are gonna go back into Ahrefs, alright? I’m gonna go to the Organic Keywords Report, and once again, I’m gonna go up to Traffic, and I’m gonna say, hey, if it’s not generating traffic,

I don’t wanna know about it. It can’t be all that relevant if it’s not generating any traffic. Well, I put in 100 down here, and look, it’s isolated it to a very small subset of keywords. Now maybe I want to be a little bit less specific, let’s go like 25, and now I got many more keywords,

two pages of keywords that I can analyze and look at. And then I can come in and I can organize them by volume, I can organize by keyword difficulty, this is the CPC amount. This lets you know if there’s like commercial viability, if people are actually bidding on this as a keyword with things like Google ads. And here’s the traffic right here.

Now, once again, I said minimum 25 visitors per month, and then I’m gonna sort the list by show me the highest trafficked keywords first. And so I’m seeing here that the brand name is in the search result. Well, guess what? We can’t rank for another competitor’s brand keywords, okay? So what I wanna do now is I wanna go to keyword

and I say doesn’t contain and I say Maxim, okay? And I’m gonna hit apply and I’m gonna show results and it’s gonna take out the brand name. Now it’s just showing me keywords that are up for grabs for everybody, right? And I see immediately here, okay, crane rental, obviously, right? Crane companies near me, tower crane, cranes near me, boom truck rental, crane for hire, construction, okay.

Now, you’re doing this for the top three to five competitors. Again, I’m gonna hit export on this, I’m gonna export that out so the customer, the client is given the raw data, but I am gonna analyze these keywords and I’m gonna say, okay, what do we need to make sure that we’re going after that we haven’t already identified? And guess where those things go? You guessed it, right into the site architecture game plan. Because we are gonna hit these keywords

and we’re gonna hit them with these specific pages, okay? So that is how that report is produced right there. Next is top pages by links. Okay, so I’m going to go down here into best by links under pages and I’m going to click on that. All right, this is going to give you the pages on this competitor website that have the most backlinks. Okay, you can see links to page over here. Now one thing I want to say I want to switch to is the do follow filter. We don’t really care how many no follow links a page has, we care about do follow links because do follow links are the links that pass link equity and those are the

ones we want to pay attention to. So I’m going to switch from all over to do follow and I’m going to hit show results here. Now there’s some other filters up here right you can say show best links, show all links, and I think that’s an Ahrefs kind of like internal algorithm slash AI kind of analysis of like, okay, what are the best links? Then we can do HTTP codes. You probably won’t have to do much there. If you do wanna say, hey, it’s gotta be,

for me to care about it, it’s gotta be at least a DR5 website or a DR10 website. You can put in a minimum here and say apply, and now I hit show results, it’s gonna go from 112 results to 70 results. So again, I don’t care if they’re getting a DR0 link, I wanna know where they’re getting links from actual websites that have their own domain authority,

and then you can control exactly what you’re looking at. I’ll say 10 is the minimum, it’s gonna go from 70 down to 64. Okay, we can start to see they are getting some quality links here. But once you get this all set up the way you want, you’re gonna go ahead and export this. Again, give the client the raw data. But how are you using this report? That’s important, right? You got to know like what are you doing with this report. What this report tells you is here are the pages that are good targets for backlinks.

So when you’re talking to your client about how we’re going to up the authority of their domain, how are we going to go about acquiring more backlinks? Well guess what? You can get ideas for pages or articles or content that can be created for your client’s website that is known to be of interest to people who are linking to other sites right these pages earn now we don’t know why the pages earned the links okay but what we do know is the page was interesting enough or valuable enough or relevant enough to acquire backlinks from real sites sites that are at least a DR 10 okay so it

It stands to reason that if we create similar pages, we can acquire similar backlinks. And if we acquire similar backlinks, guess what? The domain rating of our client site is going to go up. So this is just like, you know, we have to know where we can get backlinks from, but we also have to know what kind of content are people linking to in this industry.

This is the report that tells you what kind of content people are linking to in this industry, period. How you want to use that information is up to you, but it is really, really good information to have. All right. The last one is digital PR analysis. This is actually an important one for those clients who want to be aggressive and do some outreach, do some digital PR and say, okay, we know where our competitors are getting links from, let’s go get the same exact backlinks.

Let’s go basically mirror what they have already done. So I’m gonna go and head into Ahrefs now, and I’m going to go to the backlinks report right here. And then, very important, this is the critical step in this kind of digital PR investigation, we’re gonna go backlink type, and we’re gonna choose in content. So this is backlinks to this competitor

that exist within the body of content. So much like think about an article or a page content and they’re linking inside of that. It’s not links in navigations or footers or anywhere else. It’s in content, okay? And I’m gonna say do follow. So I’m doing do follow. I’m doing in content, and then domain rating

is at least a 10, so I’m gonna apply that there. And then I can say domain traffic has to have a certain amount of traffic. I’m not gonna do that quite yet. This is something you can, an additional filter you can use if your list is too big. Right now I’ve got 520 groups of links. But when I do do follow, in content, DR, at least a 10, I’m going to hit show results, that 520 goes down to 55.

And now look at this, so top 10 heavy haul trucking companies in 2024. Golly, I want my competitor to be on that list, don’t I? So I can go immediately hop over here. Now I wouldn’t do this immediately, but I’m saying in terms of strategy, I can tell my client, look, you’re your competitors on this list right here and you are not. Maybe I can get us on that list. We’ll do a little outreach. I’ll contact this, this blog right here. I’ll see if they’ll include us in that list. This is giving you the window into where the links are coming from and how you

can go acquire those same exact kinds of links. So again, this is a digital PR kind of angle on this, and that goes into the competitor insights folder. You’re doing that for each individual competitor in the top three to five. Okay, next is the keyword gap analysis. All right, so I’m gonna hop over to, we can actually get that,

and here’s the keyword gap analysis. We’ll view this on Google. Again, raw data. What is keyword gap analysis and how do we generate this report right here? Imagine a tool where you could say, here are my top five competitors. I want to know what keywords they rank for that I don’t rank for. Just let the tool tell you where the gaps are. Well, guess what?

Ahrefs can do exactly that for you. So I’m gonna go into Ahrefs. We are going to click on this tool called Content Gap. I know I call it Keyword Gap, they call it Content Gap, but it’s showing you keywords that the competitors rank for that your client doesn’t rank for. To me, that’s a keyword gap analysis, so that’s what I call it.

I’m gonna add these targets here. Again, we were working with the top four, okay? So let’s go back to discovery here and go to competitor research and go to the SEO dominance rating just so I have these so I can show you exactly how this is done. So I’m gonna put in that one.

I’m going to put in, oh my gosh, where I’m lost in my tabs. Okay, let’s take this one, that’s tab number two. All right, go back here, take the third one, put that in, and we’ll just do one more. Okay, so I’m gonna grab that, and I’m gonna put that in. Now, I’m gonna put my competitor’s domain down here. So that is, all right?

I’m gonna grab that, pop that in, show keywords, and again, at least one of the targets should rank in the top 10, okay? We don’t want a bunch of irrelevant stuff. And this is exactly what the report looks like right here in Ahrefs. Now I come over and I export this. And again, you can use additional filters up here, whatever you want to do. But it’s basically showing you, okay, here’s like, construction crane, for example, okay. This competitor right here ranks number one, this competitor ranks 35, this ranks 64,

but three out of the four competitors rank for this keyword right here, and my client does not. Remember, everything over here, my client does not currently rank for, and at least three of the competitors do rank for that. Now, you can go to all intersections here, and you can say, okay,

there’s gotta be at least two, right? So apply here, and let’s see what that does. It’s gonna re-kind of map everything.

There you go.

So now it’s saying, okay, at least two of the competitors have to rank. And then if you wanted to be real egregious with it, and you say all of them have to rank, right? Let’s see what happens with all four, four targets. I think we have to select four by itself. There you go. So here’s keywords that all four of these websites rank for

that my competitor does not rank for. This is important information to have, okay? Now you decide how specific you want to be with the number of intersections and so on and so forth. But again, that’s how this report is generated. We export it. What do you do with it? You decide, hey, which of these keywords

are absolutely critical for our client to rank for, and that goes on the sitemap game plan. Almost all of this stuff goes back to the sitemap game plan, the site architecture, because that is the roadmap for what’s actually going to be built and the priority that it is going to be built in, okay? So you don’t wanna just leave this stuff in spreadsheets

and be like, all right, here’s all the raw data, have at it. You’ve gotta translate this into a game plan. And the centralized game plan is the sitemap architecture. Okay, so now we’re going to take a look at link intersect analysis. Let’s go ahead and open this up and I’m going to view this on Google. We can close this one, we can close this one, we can close this one. Okay, we’re going to go to the link intersect tool.

Very, very similar to the content gap tool. Show me who is linking to these domains or URLs, but doesn’t link to my competitor. So I’m gonna put in Phoenix crane down here that is my competitor. All right let’s go back and go to competitor research and let’s go to here and grab these competitors. Okay number one, all crane number two, Lagrange crane number three. We’ll just do three for now. We don’t need to produce the whole report again. And I’m going to say show link opportunities. And again, this is another part of the digital PR

kind of outreach side of things. It’s like, all right, show me all the sites linking to my competitors that do not link to my clients. First of all, we got to analyze like, what kind of link is this? Is this something where it’s like a directory? And like, let’s say your competitors are all in like 20 directories,

and your client is in none of these directories. It could be as simple as let’s just go apply for inclusion in all those directories. And just immediately acquire those links for our client. Now you’re not gonna do this stuff for free, obviously. Your client needs to pay for this. This is a service. So these are things like this discovery, once again,

helps you present new service opportunities to your clients. They’re going to pay you for your revenues going up, their results are going up, everybody’s winning, right? But if you don’t do this discovery, you don’t even know these opportunities are here. You might find that some of these are blog articles and you’ll discover, oh, you know what? My competitors, my clients’ competitors, have been doing some guest blogging. Maybe we should do that kind of guest blogging.

Guess what? Now that’s content creation opportunity and outreach opportunity that your client might wanna pay you for. So this just shows you again, what your competitors are doing to acquire backlinks that you might want to mimic or copy or, you know, stream, follow behind, whatever.

Okay, let’s go back here. That’s how that report is generated. Let’s close that. And just so I think I hit it, but yeah, same thing, you hit export, go ahead and give that raw data, but then use the analysis and put a little game plan and a proposition together. All right, let’s go back. And we’re going to hit on the very last deliverable, the content idea bank. Okay. This is actually generated from two different reports inside of Ahrefs, primarily two different reports, but it’s going to be the top pages report

and the top content report. So if I look at top pages, we’ll just refresh on what this is. It shows all of the top pages by traffic on the website. And you’ll see that some of these are in blog. I can also go up here to, I wanna show you the site structure report. Now this site is just all in one, okay?

But if I open this up, you’ll see, oh look, they have a blog extension. And here is all the articles inside their blog. So it does help to see the site, oh look, they have a locations, okay? It does help you to see this overall architecture for a website. But I’m going to go into top pages here.

I’m going to make sure that it’s sorted by traffic and I’m just going to go down and look at this. Ten important crane hand signals. Okay, so I’m putting that in my content idea bank. Everything you need to know about tower cranes, that’s going in my content idea bank. Key components of a construction crane. Why are these going into my into my content ideas bank? Because they’re generating verifiable traffic and rankings for my competitor. I’ve got to create, or we should create, my client should have the exact same kind of content.

It’s proven to rank, it’s proven to work. We don’t have to come up with like theories, okay? We can see what’s working and we can do the exact same thing. We’re not gonna copy the content, we’re gonna write our own unique content, but we’re gonna follow the same game plan of what is already working.

So I’m going to manually scan this list. And again, you can filter this down again like I’ve showed you before. Hey, don’t show me anything under 100. Let’s go ahead and show results here. Awesome. Now it’s only 29 URLs that I have to analyze. And so anything that’s a great idea goes into the content idea bank. I’m also, now this is mainly based on organic traffic, right?

Here’s another report you want to look at, top content. And what is the difference in this report in top content? This actually is more of a social analysis, okay? So we can see here this RD is referring domains, backlinks, okay, going to this stuff. But then we have tweets, we have pins on Pinterest. We have this SP rating which is called a social power score. Okay, social power shows the median of social shares across all social networks

currently tracked by Ahrefs. And so you can actually do the sorting by the social power ranking. Now in the terms of this competitor and this website, not much there. But if you have a client that’s already a client with competitors and those competitors are absolutely crushing it on social. This will show you the content that is crushing it on social. And so you would combine this analysis with your other organic search top content analysis again to come up with your content idea bank. Hey, SEO content that ranks well and gets a lot of traffic is not the be all end all of the content you should be producing for a website.

If there is content that is absolutely smashing on social, but it’s really not doing anything for organic rankings, that is still very relevant. And notice they pair the referring domains number domain number with social score because very often stuff that crushes on social is also link magnet type content. So even though it may not rank for keywords and bring in organic traffic, it brings in referring domains and those referring domains help the entire domain.

This is still very, very valuable stuff. So this top content report is basically going to give you ideas, not for stuff that will rank and generate organic traffic, but for stuff that is likely to crush it on social and likely to crush it in terms of being a link magnet. Okay. So again, you got to go through this manual analysis is why you get paid the big bucks manual analysis to figure out what kind of content needs to be in the content idea bank. And then you can see it here. I just create a list of the content that needs to be created.

Now, who’s going to create this content? Maybe your client wants to create it themselves. If they’re good at it, if they’re not good at it, don’t recommend that they do that. Maybe your client wants to hire somebody to do this. Maybe you want to recommend somebody to do it. Or maybe you want to step up and say, hey, we’ll create all this stuff for you. Here’s what the cost is gonna be, here’s the schedule that we’re gonna create it on. Let us take care of it. And now you’re making more money,

that’s more deliverables for you. Fantastic, okay? Let me go back to camera. So that is an overview of exactly how each part, each step in these SEO discovery deliverables is executed. I wanted to show you where the reports actually come from, what they do for you, what they do for the clients. You already know how to deliver the raw parts of it.

But again, I think this is super helpful for you to actually have the confidence to say, okay, I can, yes, charge my client for SEO discovery. And now I know exactly how to go into the tool, Ahrefs, generate all this stuff, and more or less analyze it and add it to our game plan, which is our site architecture, a site map thing, which again, I’ve showed you how to build

and put together in a completely different training. If you haven’t watched that yet, definitely go and watch that. Now, any questions, any questions, drop them below. Anything that wasn’t clear, drop it below and I will try to help you out with screenshots or just a write-up or whatever it may be. Thanks again for watching.

I hope you guys found this super helpful and I’ll be back very soon with another premium I hope you guys found this super helpful and I’ll be back very soon with another premium training right here in the Inner Circle.