premium training

Offer Messaging Masterclass

This is a premium training for Inner Circle members only.

More about this video

This workbook & masterclass will give you the key insights about a business/product that you need to do proper UX/copy/offer/conversion strategy.

What You Need to Know

  1. Most businesses don’t know how to sell their product online. They may have good salespeople who can have good sales conversations but don’t know how to translate that into good copy/flow online.
  2. Good salespeople can sell through live conversation, but websites aren’t a live conversation, they’re a static conversation. This requires far more skill and preparation to be successful.
  3. Going through this workbook process with clients hugely benefits THEM and YOU. It can be sold as part of the Discovery process and will impress most of your clients.
  4. We repeat the workbook for every separate product/service. Any essential product/service that will get a sales page needs a workbook to go with it.
  5. The more products/services a client has, the more you charge for Discovery. This makes perfect sense because it takes more time to understand how best to sell each thing, and there’s more value to the client.

NOTE: I do this workbook WITH the client. Never send this as a generic form or exercise for them to do alone. If they have team members, getting multiple people to attend the session is best. Typical sessions can run from 1-4 hours, so charge accordingly.

Video Transcript

I’ve talked at length about the importance of being a consultant and not a pixel pusher, both in the sales process when trying to land new projects and once a project is signed, being able to lead that project from start to finish as the consultant, as the person your client turns to for direction and advice, not a situation where the client is just telling you what’s going to happen next and what they want and then hoping that you’re just gonna do everything that they ask you to do. And part of being a consultant and doing your job correctly is discovery. We have to go through a process of discovery to make sure that we truly understand the client and their products and services, as well as the markets, competitors, and so on and so forth.

And what I’m about to lead you through in this lesson and this training today is part of that discovery process. And it’s really the process of understanding the products and services that your client offers, and helping them understand the products and services that they offer as well. One thing you’re gonna find is that a lot of clients don’t know a lot of the answers to these questions. And as the consultant, and as the person being paid for discovery, right?

We all know that I recommend selling discovery, getting paid to do this work, because it is very, very important. But as the person leading discovery and the consultant on the project, you have to be able to help your clients and coach your clients to arrive at important answers to these questions, valuable answers to these questions. We don’t wanna be just answering these things on a surface level.

We don’t wanna just be checking boxes. But doing this work right here that you’re about to be led through is critical. It’s critical for UX design, understanding the order that sections need to go in on a page, right? So right before you even get into the wireframing process, you need to know in your mind, like what is the narrative of this website going to be? How are we going to approach selling these products and services?

You don’t have to know exactly what all the copy is going to say, but you have to have an idea of what we need to talk about, what kind of points need to be hit on and how that content can potentially be laid out. That’s all going to inform the wireframing process. Of course, you know that I also advocate for selling copywriting. If you’re going to do it yourself, that’s fine as long as you are going to study copywriting and become a, a good copywriter, or you can have a copywriter that you refer the work out to, that you trust and that you know they do good work.

Bottom line though is we don’t really want the client writing their own copy. Clients are notorious, number one, for not writing good copy and for number two, not delivering that copy on time. So by you controlling the copywriting, whether it’s, again, you personally, someone on your team or a third party that you trust, you’re going to alleviate both of those problems. The client is going to have better copy on their website and the copy is hopefully going to be delivered on time. What we’re about to go through here informs a lot of the copy that you are going to hopefully be able to produce for your client’s website. So this is important for UX, it is important for the copy and content that is going to go on the website.

If you go to the step of running ads in any capacity or marketing in any capacity for your client, even SEO, this training is going to help inform those areas as well. So this is one of the critical things that I lead clients through in the discovery process. It’s not the only part of discovery, but it is a very important part of the discovery process. So with that said, let’s go ahead and share my screen, and I am going to lead you through this. This is my offer messaging workbook, and that’s exactly what it’s going to help you develop is your offer messaging.

Remember, the offer is one of the most important aspects of the website. The offer that you make to people is going to make or break the conversions. And of course this goes beyond the offer, right? But it really helps you dial in what the offer is going to be and the narrative around that offer. Now, this workbook is already filled out and I filled it out based on a product that you are likely already familiar with. And this is going to help you see how we take a workbook like this and actually turn it into website copy and a website offer and so on and so forth.

And I will tell you that 90% of this was done before I created this training. We actually used this workbook to create the content and offer and copy for the frames website and for the frames videos, the sales videos. So this is something where you can see this in direct practice. This is not just a theory and it’s not just some dummy company that I made up in my head and said, well, we’ll just make up a company and we’ll see how we might do this.

No, this is actually a real product that this workbook was used to market and promote. Okay, the second thing that I want to point out is that you get hired by a client, it’s very likely they have more than one product or service. This is not an offer messaging workbook for a company. This is an offer messaging workbook for a specific product or service. So let’s say you are doing an automotive company or a roofing company or a massage therapist or it doesn’t really matter. All of these companies that have multiple products or services are going to need to go through this process for each individual product or service, okay?

This is designed to sell one specific thing. It’s not designed to sell a collection of things. So if you have a client who has 10 different services, the discovery probably needs to be priced accordingly if you’re going to lead them through this for all 10 of those services. If they only have one service, you can see how that is a lot less work in the discovery realm. So just know that up front that you know your pricing of discovery should be based on the amount of work in the discovery process and you’re gonna see the work that we’re about to go through here. Now you’re gonna know all right I got a price accordingly because if I got to do this for five different products or services that’s radically different than just doing it for one and what you may find with a lot of clients too is yeah they have five services but they have one core service. That one core service is 80% of their revenue or 70% of their revenue. Okay, you can only focus on that one. You don’t have to do this for every single product or service. Especially if, you know, they’re already telling you they’re tight on budget. You don’t have to force them to do this, but you do want to sell the importance of doing it. And if they have a core product or service, it should really, really, really be done for that core product or service and then anything that they’re willing to do beyond that is icing on the cake.

All right, so those are kind of the disclaimers. Let’s go ahead and run through this offer messaging workbook. So what I would recommend you do is print this out and do this with the customer, the client live. Don’t send this off to them and say, hey, fill this out for me. Don’t create a web form of it and then send them the link and say, hey, please fill out this form for us. The client is not capable of one, understanding all of the questions that are on this workbook or in this workbook. And number two, they’re not capable of answering them correctly right off the bat. There needs to be a discussion about some of these things. You need to be able to ask follow-up questions. And I’m going to discuss that kind of as we go through the offer messaging workbook, but this should really be done live.

Like get on a Zoom call with them or a Google Meet. If they’re a local client and you want a higher touch kind of feel, go visit them and do this workbook with them in person. If they have a team of people, very impressive. I’ve many, many times I’ve done this where I’ve taken this workbook to a boardroom and sat down with executives in a boardroom and walked them through this. And number one, they’re very impressed by it. Number two, they’re extremely enlightened by the fact that they often have a very hard time answering these questions.

And they realize that the questions are of significant importance. And they kind of are a little bit embarrassed sometimes that they don’t really have clear cut answers to these questions. And they’re thankful at the end. This is always the outcome. Anytime they realize, wow, we’ve never done this kind of thing before. We should know the answers to these things, but we really don’t. The conclusion always is exactly the same.

We are so grateful that you’re here being in this consultant capacity, capacity doing this stuff for us, and we’re glad we paid for it, because we understand the value that it’s gonna produce on the back end. And this is the kind of stuff that really, it impresses clients to a level where this is where referrals come from, guys. This is where, like, you do this kind of work that no other agency has done with them in the past.

Every other web designer just designed a website for them and kind of glossed, like, none of this stuff was ever discussed or talked about or done. None of these exercises were ever paid attention to. You’re automatically standing out as head and shoulders above everybody that they’ve worked with before. And when it comes to referring you out to other people, this is the stuff where they’re not going to hesitate to make those referrals. Okay? So what you do is you write the name of the product or service on this first line.

In our case, we are selling frames. Now, who is the target buyer for this product or service? For us, that is WordPress page builder developers. Notice that it’s specific. Your client will try to check this box by like, if this was in the same context, oh, all developers, developers, that’s who I’m trying to sell this to, developers. No, no, no, no, no, we’re not selling this to all developers. I don’t, people who hand code websites in VS Code are not going to be interested in this.

People who build sites on Webflow are not going to be interested in this yet, yet. And that brings up probably another very important point. This kind of thing should probably be done on an annual basis for products and services because things change over time and the relevance of these answers may not be nearly as relevant a year from now as they are today. So this is actually a service you can sell over and over and over again, right? So if you do this for a client and then you do marketing for them for a year and advertising and you do their website and all of that.

And then two years later they come back to you saying, hey, we have, you know, we want to run a new campaign for this product or we want to make some changes to the website. Guess what you can say? Okay, remember that exercise we did where we created a narrative and, you know, your business has grown since then, your product and service has changed since then, your target market has shifted a little bit, we need to go through that exercise again, bam.

Now you’re doing, it’s like rediscovery work that you’re now selling to this client. Very, very, very crucial, both for you being able to understand what’s going on and actually do your job effectively, but number two for revenue, right? More revenue coming in to your agency. Okay, so secondary buyer, you know, I put agency. So we can have WordPress page builder developers, there’s a lot of freelancers out there, there’s a lot of one-off people who would use Frames to potentially build their website. But then there’s agencies who know, hey, we have a team of developers and we want them all on the same page, we want our sites to be super consistent, we don’t want them doing a lot of extra work and inefficiency, we want them building to a standard.

We see the value in frames for our entire agency, so that would be kind of a secondary buyer. What is the price range of this product? It’s $69 a year to $99 per year. So let’s go to the first thing down here. I’m going to try not to scroll down so you guys, I don’t want you reading ahead as we’re going through this. So what is the problem or opportunity the product and service solves for? And like I said, as you, as we discuss this, you can go to the Frames website and you can see a lot of this carry over directly from this workbook onto the Frames website.

And you can see how these things build on each other. And you’re gonna see a repetition in some of the answers. And the repetition in some of the answers also gives you the ability to really figure out how to word these things in the best possible way. So some of this repetition is designed repetition. It might feel like, well, we’re kind of just answering the question in a little bit different. That’s good. Answer the kind of giving different language to describe the same things over and over and over again gives you more possibilities for how to talk about this product or service.

But right off the bat, if your product or service doesn’t solve a clear problem, what is the value? Why are people going to care about this product or service? The nature of building and creating products and services is that you are solving a real need and that it’s a valuable need that people are willing to pay for. So what we have to do is we have to articulate that problem. We have to be able to clearly say, here is your problem. Here is the solution that we created. So what is the problem or opportunity the product or service solves for? In the case of frames what we said is this, well if you look at most websites, just go website by website by website by website by website, most websites are all based on various common layouts. Sure, those layouts are in a different order, sometimes obviously they have different colors, different fonts, different ways the layout is used in the design.

But if you boiled it down to boxes, the boxes are often in the same places. And there’s the same general structure of these sections. People use cards, people use things in various ways. We know carousels, there’s carousels that go off the side of the page. There’s grids of things. These are all very, very common layouts. And so right now developers are in a situation where every next project, they’re kind of building the same layouts over and over and over again from scratch.

And what frames empowers them to do is to drag and drop these common layouts to have a starting point for their design, which saves them a tremendous amount of time. But the problem is they’re just doing this work of these common layouts over and over and over again from scratch for absolutely no reason. It is just an extreme waste of time. Is that the only problem that frames solves? No, but it’s the primary problem that frames solves as you’re taking all of this repetitive work and you’re making it drag and drop so that we can get to that starting point of where we’re ready to actually create a unique design, we can get to that starting point 50% faster, okay?

All right, so let’s go down. How would you describe the product or service? Again, you want to be specific, as specific as possible in this regard. Now, this is where we started with Frames. We decided, well, Frames is kind of unique. It’s actually three products in one. Number one, it’s a rapid wireframing tool. Number two, it is a design ready development system. And number three, it is an accessible component library.

Not all products and services are going to be like a three in one or a two in one, or you really have to look at the exact product or service and decide how you are going to describe that product or service to somebody. In our case, again, this goes back to who is your target buyer? What kind of language do they use? What do they understand versus not understand? I banked on the fact that developers would know what a wireframe is, right?

And so we know what a rapid wireframing tool is. It helps me do wireframes faster. It is a design-ready development system. So I’m doing development as I use frames. As I drag and drop a frame, development is being done for me and these are design ready frames. And then we have an accessible component library. Now, can I just tell them that one sentence and assume that this answers all of their questions and they’re gonna know exactly what this tool is and how it works?

No, but it’s the starting point for describing our product. And if you hop over to get and you scroll down, we actually expanded on this in an FAQ. We took that exact construct of it’s a three-part tool, three products in one, and we simply expanded on it. So this outline idea right here of frames is three products in one, a rapid wireframing tool a design ready development system and accessible component library Directly translated into this copy right here frames is three. What is frames? This is what people will ask. What is frames? Frames is three products in one. It’s a real-time wireframing tool They’ll and see we change the copy just a little bit. We decided alright There’s maybe a better way to phrase this.

So what did it go from? Let me go back here. So it says a rapid wireframing tool. We changed it to a real time wireframing tool, and then we expanded on that. That allows you to wireframe full pages and templates directly inside of Bricks Builder and coming soon to Gutenberg block editor six to eight times faster than you’d be able to wireframe in a design tool like Figma. So what did we do now? We took a comparison to another tool that they’re probably familiar with, maybe even a tool that they are currently using to do wireframing and say, hey, do you use Figma for wireframing? Because frames allows you to do this wireframing process six to eight times faster. And so you see we’re creating comparisons for people, we’re juxtaposing one tool against another tool, we’re throwing in stats, statistics, like six to eight times faster.

It’s very, very specific copy. Specific copy does a really good job of converting. Then what did we do? Well, we built upon this design ready development system. So it’s a design ready development system, again, stats that does 50 to 80% of the development for you without limiting your creativity and without creating scalability issues. 100% built with BIM, organized classes, and ACSS. You’re gonna see this come up in other parts of the workbook where we’re mixing and matching. Let’s pull from these features.

Let’s pull from these benefits. We can place them and reiterate them wherever we want. It’s like this workbook is giving you a library of talking points, and then as you’re writing the copy and assembling the narrative for the website, you’re pulling from this workbook in various areas so that you always know what you’re supposed to be talking about, you always know how you want to talk about it and what kinds of things you want to say. It’s an accessible component library that adds advanced functionality like accessible carousels, accordions, toggles, sliders, modals, and more to your development workflow.

I knew that people wouldn’t just know what an accessible component library is, but the minute that I give them examples like carousels, accordions, toggles, now they know in their mind exactly what an accessible component library is. You’re giving people specifics. And then we just sum it up. In short, a tool that will help you build custom websites in half the time, increase revenue on every project by at least 20% and dramatically increase both your margins and your capacity for taking on new projects. These are talking points that you are going to see pulled directly from this workbook. Why should the buyer care about this product or service?

Again, we know that there’s a problem we’re trying to solve for, right? And if the buyer knows they have that problem and they know that the solution for that problem exists, then obviously they’re gonna care. But we still need a way to articulate why they should care. If we can’t articulate why they should care, we’re going to have trouble with our messaging. Because the thing about copywriting is, the buyer might be able to deduce why they should care, but when they hear you say why they should care, and that perfectly aligns with what they were already thinking in their head.

It gives them tremendous confidence. It lets them know that 100% you and them are on the same page and now this is a product that they want to buy into. So you got to be able to articulate this. So what we came up with was buyers should care because Frames completely refactors their workflow for increased efficiency, revenue, profitability, and simplicity. They can take on more projects in parallel, increase average project value, and decrease project timelines. This is a significant improvement to what they are currently doing. And obviously they should care about all of these things that we just mentioned.

Every developer cares about being more efficient, getting projects done faster, being able to take on five projects at once instead of three projects at once. What can that do to your cash flow? These are all very, very important things. Okay, what is the exact promise the product or service makes? Again, when there is a challenge or a problem that somebody has, the product comes in and says we are the solution to that. But really what you’re doing with that product or service is you’re making a promise. Now of course you’re making lots of promises. But if we had to boil this down to what is the core promise that you are making?

For Frames it was, well if we had to pick one thing, just one thing we’re allowed to promise, then it would be Frames will help you build better websites in half the time. Because I think that that’s something that any developer can really, really latch onto. I don’t wanna build it in half the time if it sucks, but if I can build better websites in half the time, keep talking, I wanna hear more of what you have to say. So again, it’s hard sometimes to get a client to like, look, if we’re only allowed to say one thing, what is it gonna be?

Because that needs to start to become the main theme of your narrative. And then obviously you can pull in these other features, other benefits, other talking points, but we need to hone in on like what is the thing we’re gonna harp on over and over and over and over again? What is the thing we’re gonna pound into people’s minds so when they hear a product, they go, oh, I know exactly what that product does. I know what the promise of that product is. It’s very hard for people to chew on half a dozen things, right? Everybody will have this, you know, understanding of products in their own mind. If you say what is the promise of an Apple Watch? Okay, a lot of people are going to give their answers. They’re not going to give like 6 to 12 different answers.

They’re going to give what they believe to be the number one promise of the Apple watch. That’s just an example, right? And so you have the ability to kind of control that narrative. Okay. Same thing. iPhone. What is the exact promise of the iPhone? What was the exact promise of Facebook for example? Well, the exact promise of Facebook was it’s a centralized place for me to connect with the people that I care about. Something like that, right? If you went into Facebook boardroom land, these are the kinds of things that they’re thinking about. If you pull a hundred people, what do we want them to say Facebook is? What do we want them to believe the promise of Facebook is? They work to control that narrative with their marketing, okay? So you’ve got to get your client to be able to articulate this stuff.

Next thing, what is your proof that this product actually works? Doesn’t matter that you can articulate what my problem is, articulate that your product is a great solution for this. We’ve all seen infomercials, we’ve all been in sales pitches, we’ve all seen plenty of marketing. Ultimately, what I’m going to need is proof that this product does what you say it’s going to do. And when we build out a sales page or a website or an ad campaign, we better be including some examples of proof. Because otherwise it’s just all talk, right? And I’m not talking about testimonials. I’m talking about actual proof that your product works. Depending on what the product or service is, this could come in various different forms, right? It’s up to you to say, all right, it’s this kind of client, this kind of product or service. Here’s the kind of proof that we are going to need. So let’s say I was selling a vacuum cleaner, for example. Well, I can talk all day long about how much power it has to suck up dirt and how big the bag is and how lightweight the vacuum is.

I can talk about all of these different things, but you know what is really going to convince the person when they see a video of my vacuum in a lineup of five other top vacuums, cleaning up stuff in the video, and mine is doing the best job, that is undeniable proof. And so let’s say I was gonna sell a vacuum cleaner. You know what’s gonna go on that website? That video. You know what’s going to go in the ad campaigns? That video.

Because that is undeniable proof that the product actually works. What we have to do is we have to find the great examples of proof for our clients to help them sell their products and services. Sometimes that’s going to be before and after photos. That’s like dentists, right? What is the proof that you can align teeth? Well we’re going to show you some janky ass teeth and then we’re going to show you what happened to the teeth after we got done with them. So we’re a great orthodontist. Here’s 30 examples of jacked up teeth and here’s 30 examples of perfect teeth after they became our client.

Before and after photos. Roofing. Here’s what the roof looked like before, here’s what the roof looked like after. Here’s what a third-party inspector said about the work that we did on this roof. This is all stuff you got to think about. Where are we going to get our proof from and how are we going to present that proof to other people? Okay, now for frames, what was the proof? Well, first step of the proof was you guys know I’m an agency owner. And what I’m telling you is we are using frames within our agency to complete real client projects. And here’s the price that these clients are paying for these projects. Here’s what we’re charging for wire framing. Here’s the efficiency increase in our workflow that we’ve been experiencing. Here’s our personal experience.

Now, is this a biased take? Is it real undeniable proof? It’s not undeniable because people could think in the back of their mind, well, you’re saying that because you want to sell frames. But I’ve done a lot of work to build trust and I’ve put out a lot of content that shows objective thinking in so many of these things. When I’m talking about other people’s products, when I’m talking about automatic CSS, when I’m talking about all the things that I talk about I’ve done a lot of work to build up trust so it’s not Undeniable proof, but it is fairly compelling proof because people do believe what I tell them But that’s not all we can’t just give that we really want to work our way to undeniable proof Don’t we so the other thing is the next piece of proof and remember this was back when we were launching frames This hasn’t necessarily been updated so at the time we did put 350 beta testers through frames we sold these this amount of licenses in a beta test and we encouraged people to use frames and we wanted to get their feedback and their feedback was that frames is undeniably valuable to their workflow and to their business and so we’ve got 350 real world beta testers.

This is what I wanted to hinge on that. Hey, don’t just take my word for it. We did a whole beta test and the results of this beta test are phenomenal. And that gives people confidence to, oh, okay. Well, if it was phenomenal for these 350 other developers, then it’s probably going to be a great experience for me. Is that undeniable proof? No, it is not undeniable proof. And that’s a problem. It’s a problem that that is not undeniable proof.

So we’ve got to keep going, don’t we? We need to find another example of proof that this product works for people. So you know what we’re going to do? We’re going to demonstrate the value in video recordings. We are going to show people, here’s how you wireframe a page with frames. And then we’re going to do a part two where we show people how they can take that wireframe and easily design it in a scalable, maintainable fashion by styling all of the classes. Even if they’re not a professional designer, they can still get to a really good outcome. That’s exactly what we showed them in the video.

So you watch the workflow with your own two eyeballs and you can kind of see, all right, I’m seeing this thing work. That was really easy to do the wireframing. Oh, I can sell that wireframing that you just did in 15 minutes, I can actually sell that to a client for hundreds of dollars, that’s fantastic. I can see myself doing that. Oh and then that styling you did in part 2, I can see myself doing that too. And I get to sell that UI step as well, this is fantastic. I’m seeing the product work right before my eyes, that is undeniable proof. And so you see, we had to come up with three different concepts and different layers of proof.

Some of that proof is not undeniable. Some of it is undeniable. You really want to work to undeniable proof if you possibly can. But now you don’t always have that option at your disposal. This is going to be, again, you with the consultant hat on sitting with your client, really discussing what is going to be our proof? People are going to want proof. What is going to be our proof?

The client’s like, I don’t know, we got some photos, we got some this, and we got some that. You gotta put your hat on and say, like if I’m doing the vacuum cleaner, for example, and the client’s like, well, we’ve got photos, we’ve got this, we’ve got that, I will tell them, no, what we need is a video comparing your vacuum to five other vacuums. And so we need to figure out how much that video is gonna cost to produce, but that’s gonna be the undeniable proof that people need to buy this product.

So this is very important to invest in and create. Now we’re having a conversation about additional services that we might be able to render or we might be able to refer out and so on and so forth. But ultimately, this is content that is going to help us do our job when we’re creating the website, when we are creating the ad campaigns, if we’re going to that step. Even when we’re doing SEO, this kind of stuff can really come in handy.

Three important features of the product or service. Very critical. This is probably the easiest part. The clients will be able to list off feature, feature, feature, feature, feature, feature, feature. And that’s good and bad. It’s bad in the sense that clients often don’t understand the difference between a benefit and a feature. They’re really good at listing features and they’re really bad at listing benefits.

And so we’re gonna talk about features versus benefits right now. But the first thing, because it’s easy, that you ask clients to do is tell you what the features are. And right now, you really just want to hone in are what are the three critical features of this product or service. So for frames one of the features is it’s pure and unstyled. That is a critical feature of frames. Number two it follows best practices for code quality and accessibility. Another very important feature of frames. The third most important feature is that it’s pre-configured with BIM classes and ACSS for ultimate scalability and maintainability.

Here’s a clear-cut example of benefits versus features. I can tell somebody all three of these things and it has no value to them whatsoever. Features by themselves don’t have any inherent value. The only time a feature has value is when the person hearing the feature understands why that feature is valuable. So for example, pure and unstyled. Well if I tell somebody, well the design sets are pure and unstyled, and I don’t tell them anything else, I don’t tell them why that’s beneficial, they could go either way.

They could say, well that’s actually, I mean that seems like a downside to this, right? That’s like, isn’t that a negative? Wouldn’t it be better if it was just all styled for me and I could just drop in my content and I could basically publish the website at that point? The fact that this is pure and unstyled doesn’t seem like a feature. That seems like a bug or something, right? They don’t know why it’s valuable.

But it really is tremendously valuable because they don’t have to work backwards. They don’t have to un-style a lot of stuff in order to style it from that point forwards and get to the custom design that they’re hoping for. All their websites aren’t gonna look exactly the same because they’re styling each frame on every different website in a different way so they can still get custom designs. They can still have a good variety in their portfolio.

Whereas with a traditional design set that’s pre-styled for them, every time they use it, they’re going to basically produce the same website over and over and over again. And if they don’t want to produce the same website over and over and over again, they’re going to have to unstyle all of that design set and then add their own styles. And that’s a very, very inefficient workflow. So now I’m explaining the benefits of starting with a pure and unstyled starting point. See? Features by themselves, I don’t know why that feature matters. I always use the example of my mom, right? You tell my mom, mom this this laptop, you want a new laptop mom? This laptop right here, it’s got 32 gigabytes of RAM. I’m telling her a feature, to her that has no value. She doesn’t know is 32 good, is 32 bad, what does RAM do? I don’t know any of this stuff. So just telling her the feature has zero inherent value.

Only when I explain the benefit of that feature does it actually matter to her. So now I’m in a situation where I say, well, mom, most laptops have eight gigs of Ram or 16 gigs of Ram. This has double, right? It says 32 gigabytes of Ram. Ram actually helps you do all of this multitasking that you do. You know, you’re in your email, you’re over here organizing your photos, you’re processing a video from your iPhone, you know, the RAM is really going to help so that that experience with your computer is not boggy and slowing down and your computer’s not thinking all the time, not getting that little spinning beach ball all the time when you’re trying to do stuff. Now she is like, I’m on board with that.

I don’t want laggy, I don’t want beach balls. Now I understand why 32 gigs of RAM is important. You see, until they know the benefit of the feature, they’re not going to care. And this is the biggest thing, biggest mistake that I see all the time. People love listing features, and they never talk about the benefits of those features. So we’ve got to get this client to hone in on what are the three most important features that we’re gonna be hitting on, and then look at what’s next.

What are the three most important benefits that the product delivers? Okay. So the three most important benefits are it increases revenue by at least 20% when you’re selling the wireframes. That’s a huge benefit. If you can just instantly make that much more money by using this product, huge, huge, huge benefit speeds up workflow by at least 50%. Huge benefit. Now we already know why that’s a benefit, right? Every developer knows, hey, if I can complete sites in half the time, my margin goes up significantly, like by half maybe, okay?

So, and I can also probably take on more projects at once, which means more cash flow at once, and more capacity in general. Over the course of a year, instead of dealing with 15 clients, maybe I’ve done 25 or 30 projects instead. That’s a phenomenal growth in their business. So they can see that this is a huge benefit. And then it increases the quality and maintainability of the websites that they build. We all want to have better websites in our portfolio. And as we work with clients over time, we all want to make sure that those websites are maintainable so that when a client has a new request for another page or they want changes done, we’re not living a nightmare, right?

We’re not in Chumpville like, oh gosh, this wasn’t scalable, it wasn’t maintainable, I didn’t follow best practices. And then your life as a developer is miserable because you have lower quality websites. With Frames, you know that all the sites that you’re building are scalable and maintainable and that is a fantastic benefit. So you want to hone in on the three most important features and you want to hone in on what the three most important benefits of the product are. Now, if you’re going to put these features on the website, you’ve got to be able to explain the benefit of that exact feature. But overall, we need to know what are the three most important features that we’re going to harp on, what are the three most important benefits that we are going to harp on.

Okay. Why your product or service? Why shouldn’t I just choose the competition? So there’s going to be a lot of, like your, your product doesn’t exist in a vacuum. No pun intended based on the, you know, examples we were giving before. So your product doesn’t exist in a vacuum. You’ve done great at articulating the problem. You’ve done great at articulating the features. You’ve done great at articulating the benefit, you clearly know who your target market is.

And like, but here’s the thing. So do many other companies. So do many other products and services. And so it all, it ultimately comes down and you’ve done a great job of showing me proof, but you know what? This other product over here showed me proof and that product over there showed me proof and they, I, you know, I heard great things about their features. I heard great things about their benefits. So it comes down to this. I’m about to make my decision. Why should I choose you? Why should I choose your product and service over product B or product C? Can you articulate that clearly? Okay, so with frames, it’s simple. Well, competing products offer opinionated design sets with bad code quality, poor accessibility, and poor maintainability.

Additionally, these design sets don’t always speed up workflow because you often have to do extra work on styling various aspects of each element in order to customize them. Frames offers a completely different experience. So the angle that we went with was, we know people are gonna be looking at other design sets. We know that people are potentially going to be looking at other wireframing tools.

What we need them to know is that one, if they’re looking at opinionated design sets, even wireframing tools, they need to look at the underlying code quality. They need to see if these things took accessibility into account. They need to see if maintainability and scalability was protected, or is all the styling done at the ID level, or are there utility classes littered everywhere inside of these design sets and wire framing tools?

And then, you know, we have to take into account that if these things aren’t done, what is that gonna do to the workflow if we choose product B or product C? Frames offers, let’s be very clear about this, Frames offers a completely different experience. So if you think that frames is in some sort of direct comparison to these other products that you’re looking at That is a hundred percent not the case There really isn’t a product like frames on the market when you add up all of the different things that are very important That is our pitch for why you should choose frames Versus the competition. Okay. What are three things your buyer desires related to their problem or opportunity?

Again you’re starting to see overlap, right? But we’re framing these things in different contexts. So also we can understand where buyers are coming from. Why did we list features and benefits the way that we did earlier? Well, because we know how these things map to the desires that our buyers have. So one thing that you can find, you’re going to see a lot of cohesion in the workbook that we’re looking at. But in the process that you actually lead people through, you’re going to start to see disconnections. And this is what should alert you, right? And this is where you put that consultant hat on and point out, there seems to be a bit of a disconnection here, right? So for example, I’ll say, what are three things your buyer desires? And they’ll give me three things that their buyer desires.

But then I’m like, but those desires you just told me don’t really have anything, they don’t seem to have anything to do with the benefits. You told me your product has or the features that your product has. It also doesn’t really seem to map to the problem you said that they had earlier. Or you told me they had this problem, but now you’re telling me they have these three completely different desires. So what exactly is going on here? How do we get to a cohesive narrative that seems to make sense? So I want you to keep in mind as you’re, as we’re going through this workbook, you’re gonna see a lot of repetition and cohesion.

That’s how it should be. This is how the workbook should end up, but it’s not necessarily gonna be what the process looks like. Sometimes this gets very messy because the answers that you’re getting for these things don’t seem to be in very good alignment. And that’s where you have to be willing to say, these things don’t seem to be in very good alignment. Can we get to a more cohesive answer and understanding of how we’re gonna be marketing this product or service?

Okay, so what are the three things are the buyers desire for frames? Well, these are things that we believe, right? And a lot of this can be a hypothesis in the beginning. This is why again, as you launch a product or service, or you launch a new website, or you launch a new ad campaign, some of this stuff has to be revisited. Like, oh, well we hypothesized that they really cared about workflow efficiency and higher margin.

This was one of their desires. But what we actually found out, running the ad campaigns and the marketing and shifting our offer around a little bit, they actually care about this even more. They actually desire this thing even more. That can happen as well. Okay. So this is kind of a living, breathing document, right? It’s not just a static. Ooh, this is the, this is the truth set in stone. No, don’t treat it like that. Treat it as, and I think that’s a really good thing to bring up because your client is going to be worried about the answers that they’re giving.

And you could be pointing out disconnections in their answers. And so they’re gonna be like, ah, this is really uncomfortable because these things might change. Let them know that that is okay. Like tell them blatantly, and just give me the answers what you think because these things can change as we get more data in. But this is gonna be our starting hypothesis for the work that we’re doing.

And we’re going to be with you along with the ride to split test this stuff and to monitor conversions and all of this. Like we are not pixel pushers. We are consultants. And yet again, this is where the client realizes, oh, this is what I’m paying them good money for, right? They’re not just throwing stuff together, slapping a website together based on their own internal theories or experience or whatever, they’re actually doing the legwork to hone in on really important things and they’re going to be with me to dial this stuff in over time. Now I get why I’m paying them $20,000 instead of $3,000.

Okay you guys understand? You with me? Alright. So with Frames, we felt people really desire workflow efficiency and higher margins, they desire ease of customization, and they desire less overall effort to complete projects without cutting corners. And we felt that this third one, that is the ultimate desire.

If we had to boil everything else down into one desire, it’s like, I’m spending too much time and putting too much effort into these projects for the money I’m making. And if I can get to a higher quality outcome or the same quality outcome with way less effort, I would not be burned out. I would love my business way more than I love it now. It’s just that is the domino that knocks all the other dominoes down in terms of sales.

If we can get people to truly believe that they can get to a higher quality outcome or the same quality outcome with way less effort, that’s it, they’re in, they’re in. Okay, so we’re honing in on these three desires that the buyer has. All right, let’s continue on. What are three events or circumstances that trigger desire for this product or service. I want you to think of other products or services that you have bought and what I want you to notice is you probably didn’t buy it because you saw a commercial for it. You probably didn’t buy it necessarily because you saw a Facebook ad campaign for it. Maybe you became aware of the product for that reason right and so you’ve got to think back to your own buyer’s journey for various things and try to identify what was the trigger for that?

And what you’re going to notice is that sometimes the company created the trigger that caused you to buy, but sometimes the company just got in front of you in such a way that when another trigger happened, that’s when the dots were connected, right? So there can be plenty and plenty of examples of this, but it really helps to put your own buyer’s cap on and say, all right, last three products I bought, what were my buyer’s journey for those products? What was the series of events that led up to me happening?

And then can I hone in on one specific trigger? And then what I’ll do is I will sit down with the client and say, now what do you imagine, like give me some examples of buyers journeys that you think your buyers go through before they end up pulling the trigger on your product or service. And is there a key trigger that happens, right? So for example, a divorce attorney, this would be obvious, right?

The trigger for needing a divorce attorney is a divorce. Like that’s gonna be a primary trigger is somebody is wanting to get divorced. So in order to do that, they’re going to need me. They’re going to need a divorce attorney. That is a very obvious example of a primary trigger. Now it’s not always that obvious and blatant for the products and services that you sell. So you really have to dial this in. Sometimes we go to the level of, okay, well, can you put me in touch with the last five people that bought your products or service?

Or can you put me in touch with five of your best customers? I’d love to get on the phone with them and talk to them about the journey they went through to buy your product. And this gives us tremendous insights. Am I doing this for free? No, no, you’re charging for discovery. This is the kind of work that you’re going to do. Sometimes this work you’re going to find is already done for you. They’ve already done, they already know what the triggers are, okay? Sometimes they have no idea.

And so it may be the case that you don’t have to do extra leg work, or it may be the case that you do have to do extra leg work. It’s gonna, there’s not, it’s not one recipe for every single client you’re ever going to work with. This is a dynamic situation. This workbook is your guide though, because you say three events or circumstances that trigger desire, and they’re like, I don’t know.

All right, well, we got to do extra legwork to find out, don’t we? Right? Because we can’t leave this blank. We don’t want to leave this blank because it’s a big missing piece of our narrative. We’ve got to be able to fill this out. And we don’t want to just check the boxes either and just put in some nonsense. So what method are we going to use to find the answers to this? Okay, so for frames, we said, well, they sign a new project and they realize they don’t want to build this from scratch. Maybe they’ve built their last five projects from scratch and what are they in? They’re in this desire mode of, God, I wish I could complete these projects with less overall effort.

We’re getting to a trigger now. So they sign a new project and they’re like, I’m not doing that again. I’m not putting that level of effort into this next project. For this price, I can’t do it. So they’ve signed a new project, they don’t want to build it from scratch, they start looking around, what are my solutions? They start looking up design sets. They go to Facebook, they say, hey, does anybody know if there’s a design set I can use for XYZ? And then somebody goes, hey, you should look into frames.

This is the trigger for getting them to buy the product, okay? And what we know, by the way, if we know what the triggers are, we can create the triggers with our marketing and with our advertising, okay? What’s the next one? Well, they’re tired of building the same common layouts over and over again. So they realize, and this is kind of goes into, it’s just a different angle on I’m doing too much work.

Part of that, like if we got more specific about what do you mean you’re doing too much work it would be well We use kind of the same common layouts on all these different sites We’re building them from scratch every single time and this just doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense, okay? so that’s another trigger that might you know pop up in their mind that leads them to looking for solutions and for buying frames or they see frames mentioned by other developers. We know that this is a huge trigger for people buying frames because they don’t know frames exist. They don’t know it’s an option. And the minute they see in Facebook groups people mentioning frames, that’s the trigger.

That’s the only trigger that they need combined with all the copy that we have on the website, the videos. Why were the videos done the way that they were? Well, they were done based on this workbook and what we knew about people buying this product. That’s where it all ties together. But the trigger was they see it mentioned in Facebook groups. So what can we do to make sure that Frames gets mentioned in Facebook groups, that ACSS potentially gets mentioned in Facebook groups? Well, one, we can build a really tight-knit community. our efforts on community and responsiveness and culture, not responsiveness in terms of development, responsiveness in terms of how we are active in that community, and that makes people love the product.

And when people love the product, they’re going to talk about the product more. So in a way, our effort that we put into the community is marketing because it in turn gets people to mention the product, which is a trigger, a main trigger for people buying the product, right? So you see how all of this stuff ties together. If you are coaching a client and they’re like, well, you know, getting people to talk about it, it is a big trigger, right?

We get most of our business from word of mouth, then what do we have to do? We gotta put strategies together to increase word of mouth and build upon what we know is already working. Okay, so you see how all this stuff comes together. But we got to know what events or circumstances trigger desire. Now these things are critical as we continue to go down here. What does the buyer need to believe about your product or service in order to take action? They have to believe. Here’s in the concept of frames. They have to believe that it’ll speed up their workflow Yeah, we can say it speeds up their workflow, but they’re not gonna buy it unless they truly believe that So we have to make them believe it They have to believe that it won’t limit their creativity Even if it speeds up their workflow if they feel it’s going to be a huge limitation on their creativity Then they may not buy it. So we have to get them to believe that it won’t limit their creativity.

How are we going to get them to believe that? Well, we show them in videos, right? We show them examples. Why don’t we build a frames library of all these websites that were built with frames? And then we’d ask the simple question, can you tell that any of these were built with frames? Do they all look the same? Here’s some examples of some quite creative websites that were built with frames.

Does this feel like it’s going to be a limitation on your creativity? Do you see how the steps that we take in our marketing and the decisions that we make are directly influenced by this workbook, by these insights? This is so, so, so, so, so powerful. Okay. So they have to believe that it won’t limit their creativity. They have to believe that it actually follows best practices. How are we going to get them to believe that? We are going to do the legwork to teach them best practices. And then we’re going to show them that Frames follows these best practices. It’s undeniable now. It’s undeniable.

So you now see how the content that we produce related to best practices directly aids in the marketing of a product like Frames that follows best practices. See how this all comes together? Okay. They have to believe that they can actually use it to increase revenue. So I’ll give you an example. Somebody says, well, I know you can sell wireframes with frames and you can make more money, but I don’t think I can sell wireframes with frames. I’m just not confident in myself. So what can we do? Well, we can produce content to show them how to sell wireframes and help them gain more confidence in selling wireframes.

And we can encourage them to start small. Sell wireframes at $20 per wireframe. So yeah, you’re severely underpricing it, but you need to do that to gain confidence. Now, next client comes along, hey, it’s $35 for each wireframe, $50 for each wireframe, $100 for each wireframe, you’re already making more money than you spent. So start as small as humanly possible and you’re still coming out on top. It’s a no brainer, right? Undeniable proof. Okay, they have to believe that it’ll continue to be supported and developed.

What do we all fear when we buy into a product, especially if it’s an LTD, especially if it’s a brand new product, we all fear that it’s not going to be supported a year from now, that it’s not going to continue to be developed a year from now. So what do we have to do in our marketing and our narrative and our copy and our content to get them to believe that this will be supported and developed on ongoing a year from now, two years from now, three years from now, and so on. You guys know I produce content around this stuff. Okay. They also have to believe that it has the types of layouts that they need.

So, obviously it allows common layouts, but it’s not gonna increase workflow if you don’t have the layouts that I need, because if you don’t have the layouts that I need, I’m back to square one where I gotta build these myself. And so they have to believe that it has the types of layouts that they need, and kind of to expand on this, they have to know that if it doesn’t have a layout that they need, that they can request it and it will appear in their library.

So, and that’s another way that we address that type of belief. We can get them to believe that, hey, it may not have a layout that you need right now, but if you request it, we will build it and then it will have the layout that you need. And so that makes them comfortable with pulling the trigger. But you have to know that these things, you have to know what they’re thinking and what they want and what they need to believe about your product or service in order to take action.

Ok, what does the buyer need to believe about you in order to take action? This is beyond the product now. So they have to know that I have a good track record of creating quality products. They have to know that we’re responsive to the buyers needs and desires. They have to know that we’ll provide strong documentation for use. This product requires documentation. Not every product or service requires documentation. You’ve got to figure out what are the answers in the context of this product and service and this target buyer, right? They have to know that, you know, we know what we’re doing technically. That’s why we teach the best practices. So they know we know about best practices, right?

They have to know that we use the product ourselves. That makes them extra comfortable because they know, hey, what does this directly address? It directly addresses the longevity of the product, right? Hey, if I rely on this product myself, you know I’m gonna continue to build and maintain it. They have to know that we’re committed to the product long-term. Okay, now, woo, this is the part that a lot of people never even think about, right?

They know that there has to be beliefs about the product. They know there has to be beliefs about the company or the person selling the product, but this one, this one gets overlooked so often. What does the buyer need to believe about themselves in order to take action? They have to believe that they’ll actually use the product. If they have it in the back of their mind that, man, I buy all these LTDs, I buy all this software, I just never really get around to using it, this is gonna be another one of those things.

They’re talking themselves out of buying the product right now. And you might think, well, we don’t have any control over that. No, you do. You do have control over that. Show them why they’re actually going to use this product when all the last five of them went in the junk drawer. Think about the health and fitness industry. If I come out with a new fitness machine, best freaking believe I better have a way to convince that person that they are actually going to use this product I have to convince them that they themselves are not going to be the roadblock to using this product or service whatever it happens to be they have to know enough to not be confused or lost so I got us kind of show them in these videos that hey even if you’re a beginner you’re going to be able to use frames, you’re going to be able to use this tool no problem.

That they can confidently sell wireframes, we already talked about that just a minute ago. And that they can continue to land new clients. If we’ve got someone in a situation where they feel like, man I just don’t, I’m not good at marketing my services, I’m a startup, I’m not confident that I can get that next client and thus I’m going to be losing money on this product. No, no, no, no, no. We have to address this somehow in our marketing to show them, hey, you are going to make a profit on this tool.

And what is my direct response to that? Well, can you just get one? Because if you can get one, you’ve more than paid for this product, right? And this is gonna be the foundation of the process that you need to get the next one, and the next one, and the next one. So that is kind of the answer to that feeling that they may have about potential future revenue. Okay, three epiphanies that you want or need the buyer to have.

This is just a way to reframe some of the stuff that we’ve already been talking about. So what epiphanies did we want people to have when they were thinking about or considering frames? Well, the epiphany they need to have is traditional design sets are poorly built, too limiting and a waste of money. If they don’t believe that, they’re still going to be weighing potential, you know, traditional design sets against frames as an option. We don’t even want that to be an option. We need them to have the epiphany that traditional design sets are out the window. That’s not even a thing that we’re going to consider. Now that if they believe that, if we can get them to have that epiphany, we have much less competition in getting these sales. Okay. What else? Selling and completing wireframing is an important step in a professional web design process.

If they have that epiphany, and they haven’t been doing wireframing yet, but they have the epiphany, now they’re gonna be doing wireframing, what is the obvious solution? Well, I don’t wanna be in Figma messing around, I don’t even know how to use Figma. I just wanna use frames, let me get the wireframes done quick, let me sell the wireframes.

This seems like the obvious solution. You see how having that epiphany directly correlates to buying frames? You’ve gotta figure this out for your clients and their products and services. Selling wireframe is a great way to increase revenue. They got to have that epiphany. That would be fantastic if they have that epiphany. Most websites mix and match very common layouts and there’s no reason to keep building these from scratch.

So even if somebody is like, I want custom layouts, what we have to show them is, hey, these custom sites, go to, go to Feels like a really, really custom website, right? But if I broke this down into boxes, you would see the very common layouts. And so even if you want to build the next or the next or the next this and that, it’s the same common layouts, just with added embellishments and extra features and things like that. You’re gonna be able to add those embellishments and extra features onto frames.

But there’s no sense in doing the work of getting to the common layout structure from scratch every single time you need to do a new website. This needs to be the epiphany that people need to have. Following best practices in development is important. They gotta have that epiphany or they’re not gonna care about the accessibility stuff that we talk about. They’re not gonna care about our other selling points if they don’t have this epiphany right here.

Okay, next one. Three things the buyer hates about competing products and services. And this is gonna be easy for a lot of your clients to articulate because they’ve done a lot of thinking about their competitors, they have a lot of thoughts about their competitors. They’re generally gonna be able to give you these three. But you need to be able to hone in on what are the most important. So for us, it was, well, all their sites, if they use the competitor’s product, all their sites are going to look the same unless they keep buying new and different design sets.

And this is a good thing to hit on because it’s not a one-time price for a design set compared to frames. Frames is a subscription. But if you’re using traditional design sets, it’s kind of like a subscription because you got to keep buying new ones. If you want to have different looking websites, okay. Doesn’t include dynamic components, relies on third party components. So this is a direct correlation to our features of an accessible component library. This gives us a leg up on these other competitors that you are looking at and then everything is styled at the ID level, so customization is tedious.

Anybody that buys a design set is like, ah, this is so tedious to customize because they’re styling everything at the ID level. And this is something that people hate about traditional design sets. We’re able to point that out. Three things that the buyer likes about competing products or services. You gotta get the person, like, look, I know, I know you don’t like them.

I know you don’t like this competitor, but you need to be able to tell me some good things about them. I need to know what in people’s mind are they gonna like about this competitor because this is valuable information that we’re gonna need to have in our messaging. Some of the design sets are pre-designed and are really good looking on the surface for sure. And that kind of goes along with this one.

If they don’t wanna customize it, they don’t have to, they can just replace content and publish. And that is an undeniable benefit of a pre-designed template system. And if you don’t care about accessibility, maintainability, scalability, or anything else, and you just want to basically replace content and hit publish, well, Frames probably isn’t going to be for you. You probably should go the route of a design set. Now we have to decide, is that going to be the kind of people we want to go after? No, we don’t really want to go after those people, but it is a legitimate thing that they like about design sets, okay? And then one-time fee, no subscription, but how do we counter that? How do we counter that? Well, we tell them directly what I said a second ago. You got to think of traditional design sets as a subscription because if you want new ones you got to buy the new ones. That’s like, what’s the difference between paying per year for frames and buying five design sets throughout a year, right?

It’s kind of the same thing. So you take something that they think is a benefit and you flip it and show them that’s not really the benefit that you think it is. All right, three bad scenarios that happen when not using your product or services. Well, wireframing takes much more time and effort. Development takes much more time and effort. Site quality may suffer. You know what I can do with these bad scenarios?

I can craft entire narratives out of them. Or I can pull examples from other clients, right? Where we said, we take a client and find a client who says, I used to do wireframing in Figma. Now I do it in frames. And here’s the tremendous difference. And look, it highlights this bad scenario. You’re telling people, don’t live that life. Don’t be in Figma living that life, doing all this manual wireframing when you have frames right here to do it all for you.

And when you do it with frames, you’re also simultaneously doing 60% of the development work on that website. Okay, so show them bad scenarios. If you don’t use this product, these are the bad things that are going to happen. You’re going to stay in Figma, live in that Figma life, very, very inefficient. Then after you do all that work in Figma, you’re going to have to start from scratch doing all this development work. See, I’m able to craft a narrative based on these bad scenarios. Okay, you want these bullet points ready to go. Obstacles to making a purchase. Who and what are the obstacles? Well, we know the freelancer agency may not have enough revenue or incoming projects currently to justify the expense, or at least they think that, and thus that is an obstacle.

The freelancer agency may be opposed to subscription products, may be fundamentally, philosophically opposed, whatever. That is a real hurdle and obstacle. So we just need to know that these things exist. What are four key stats to support your product or service offering? We left these blank. What we want to do, and this was initially, when we go around a second time, we’re going to poll Frames users, and we’re going to be able to say 38% of Frames users say X, 68% of frames, four out of 10 frames users made 10,000 extra dollars in wireframing revenue than they made last year, right? We’ve gotta come up with stats that we can use in the marketing.

We didn’t have them to begin with, but we can develop them. And why are we gonna develop them? Because we know it’s important, because it’s sitting here in the workbook. And so, and this is like you tell a client. It’s like, look, you’ve got a client book, 500 people deep. Can I send them a poll? Can we get some data points? Right?

And they’ll be like, yeah, we never polled them before, but sure, if you wanna send out a poll, I’d love to hear what they have to say. And then we can take that poll, we can create statistics, and then we can use those statistics in our marketing. Statistics are very, very important in marketing and sales copy. Okay, what are the three main objections going to be to your product or service? Very, very common. You’ve got to know what the objections are going to be. For frames, it was the design isn’t done for me. I still have to figure out the design or I’m not good at design.

These are real objections that people are going to have to frames. My clients can’t afford to pay for wireframing. This is going to be a real objection that we hear over and over again. I can’t afford another subscription product. All right. So these are the main objections that we thought people were going to have to frames. Then you come down. What are our, how our response is going to be to these objections. So, well, you can still use a designer as part of your workflow and you can still achieve custom designs.

So if you’re not a designer yourself, there’s nothing stopping you from giving that a designer, that wireframe you created with frames, they’re going to design it up, then you style it up, and the custom design thing is solved, right? Design decisions can still be made for you, and by the way, you sell that design part of the process. So this isn’t an extra expense, it’s actually an extra revenue opportunity. And then they say, well, my clients can’t afford to pay for wireframing. Well, we can teach you how to sell wireframing as part of your process, process so clients will agree to investing in it. I’ve taken clients all the time where somebody said they’re not going to pay for wireframing they want a cheap website and by the time I was done with them they were paying for wireframing, design, development, and a bunch of marketing stuff right. It’s all about how you position, how you speak, how you present yourself. We’ve got to help people with this and so with Frames we are going to be helping people with this down the road.

Frames more than pays for itself the first time you use it for a project. That is in direct response to, I can’t afford another subscription. You can’t afford not to have this subscription because the minute you use the product on one project, you are ahead. You can’t afford not to have this project. Not just ahead in revenue, but ahead in margin and workflow and everything else as well. So you really can’t afford not to have this product. All right. So what else needs to be said about your product service company? This is where you just want free flowing ideas. So we gave a lot of containment type questions.

Now we want to take the lid off the container. Just tell me more things. Tell me more things, more great things about your product, your company, whatever, just anything else that we can potentially use in the marketing. Okay. Well, on top of selling, uh, of all the selling points for the actual layouts, frames also has a growing library of accessible components, and this will eventually alleviate the need cost for other third-party plugins. Additionally, our vision is to expand frames to other builders and Gutenberg. License holders won’t have to pay extra to use frames in these other environments. Man, love to be able to say that in our marketing, right? Lastly, Frames is built with automatic CSS, so it fits seamlessly into existing ACSS workflows and enjoys all the benefits provided by the ACSS framework.

Man, I’m glad you said that, because when we create this website, we better make sure we tell people that you have to have ACSS to use this, and that it’s gonna have all the benefits that come with using ACSS. And we didn’t even talk, we haven’t mentioned ACSS We’ve gone through four pages of this workbook, and this is the first time hearing about automatic CSS Why because I I asked an open-ended question like hey is there anything else I really need to know about this product well Why yes there is okay?

So this is exactly why we ask a question like this because sometimes these containment type questions that we were asking earlier don’t reveal these insights and we need these insights to be revealed. Okay, general theme of the narrative. Now we’re done asking questions. You take the first five pages of the workbook and now you are responsible with coming up with a general theme of the narrative should be. And for frames, the general theme of everything that we talk about is design sets suck, okay? That’s old school, you don’t want to live that life. What you really want is an unopinionated design system, and that’s way better because it saves time and increases profitability without limiting your potential and creativity. So the general theme is design sets suck, having an unopinionated design system is way better because it saves time and increases profitability without limiting your potential and creativity.

Now what we want to do is we want to take this general theme, we want to take a lot of these other concepts, and we want to craft a pitch. This is like your elevator pitch. This is not all of the copy for your website. If you were trapped on an elevator and someone said, I’m trying to decide between, I want to buy a design set because I want to speed up my workflow and you know, do you have a design set you would recommend?

Or you know, what do you do? What is this product called Frames that you do? I need to know more about it. Okay, this is where this pitch comes in and I’m going to break it down for you. First paragraph, traditional design sets are too opinionated and trap developers into creating sites that all look alike. This does our clients a disservice. Instead of designing a website that meets the needs of our clients, we design websites based solely on what the design set offers.

So what am I doing? I’m taking the competing product and I’m showing why it’s not a great option. I’m also showing it why it’s not a great option in terms of both the person who’s gonna be using frames and their clients, right? Hey, design sets aren’t good for you as a developer because you got to undo a lot of work and then you got to restyle it and everything’s thought of the ID level. Okay. But it’s also not good for your clients because when you use a design set, you’re not really designing the website according to their needs and challenges.

You’re just using a, like a, a one size fits all solution for them. And that’s not good for them either. So see I’m harping on both sides of the coin here. Okay so I open with here’s a big problem right and then I say this is why we created frames. So now define the problem, show them both sides of the problem, now insert or introduce the solution. This is why we created frames, an unopinionated design system that empowers developers to design and build one-of-a-kind websites that meet the unique needs of each client. So this is why we created frames and here are benefits of using frames and features right. Unopinionated design is a feature but that feature empowers developers to design and build one-of-a-kind websites that meet the unique needs of each client.

See how the pitch is grabbing pieces from here and there of the workbook, putting them together into a cohesive narrative? Now I start to talk about benefits even more. With Frames, agencies and freelancers, and I’m repeating, here is my target market. Are you this? Are you an agency? Are you a freelancer? Are you hearing me call you out? agencies and freelancers can design and build custom websites 60% faster. And if you’re not already charging for wireframing, you can use frames to easily sell the wireframing process and increase revenue by 35% to 50%. So we gave benefits up here, but now we’re expanding on additional benefits within our pitch. Things that we really know people desire, right?

And then lastly, what is our mission? What is the underlying like, man, clients can really bite into this and chew on it and get behind it. And it’s like a politician, a politician always has a mission, don’t they? Right, why? Because people buy into missions. They want to know you believe in the product and that they can get on board with this mission as well.

We created frames because every agency and freelancer deserves to have a clean, unopinionated design system for maximum efficiency and profitability, and they’re like, you know what? I do deserve to have that. I do deserve to be making more money and building sites with less effort, more margin. I don’t want to be doing the same work over and over and over again, but I also don’t want limits on my creativity. Man, I can really get behind this mission of frames. This is how you start to craft the narrative, right? The pitch. Now, this gives you extra space if your pitch needs to be longer or you need more details. And then lastly, we get to a one-liner or a lead. And guys, you can see this, right?

I’m taking everything that we’re saying over and over and over again. I have a pitch, but what if I need a smaller pitch? What if I need like a one, like a two sentence pitch? I don’t have time for that larger pitch. I only have time and space for this one little pitch, right? Okay, well, let’s make it a little tiny pitch now. Frames is a real-time wireframing tool, design-ready development system, and accessible component library that empowers you to build beautiful custom websites in half the time with zero limits on your creativity.

Can we take as many important things as we can and bake it into one single sentence and then can we drop that right there when people arrive? What do I say over and over and over again about the hero section? The hero section has to, without any scrolling, no scroll test. Do I know what the product and service is? Do I know who it’s for? And do I know why it matters? Well, guess what? Your mini pitch that is one sentence long should probably do that. Okay? So if they read this right here, they’re going to know what Frames is. It’s a three part thing. They know the three parts and they know why it matters. Because if I use Frames, I can build beautiful custom websites in half the time with zero limits on my creativity. That is intriguing enough to potentially watch this video, to read more about the features, to come down here and see these insights and stuff that we’ve put in, to look at the FAQs guys, it’s just marketing.

The FAQ, yeah, of course these are questions that people have, but it’s an opportunity to inject these talking points that we’ve been discussing throughout this workbook. All of these FAQs should have talking points injected into them, right? Okay, so let’s go back real quick. Let’s start to get this wrapped up. That is the end of the workbook right here. Let me remind you, I’m gonna go back to camera.

Let me remind you that this is a dynamic situation. This requires coaching and consulting with your client. You are going to have to pull this insight and information out of them. And sometimes it’s gonna be a little bit tough because they’re just like, I really, really, really don’t know. And in some of those cases, I’ll say, okay, well, I need to talk to like five of your best clients then.

Like, get me on the phone with five of your best clients, just tell them I need 15 minutes of their time, let’s give them a coupon or let’s give them whatever they need to encourage them to do this. I wanna pull some insights out of them. That’s always a possibility as well. But also, the more you do this, the more you can kind of steer them into how to think about these different areas, and then they’ll start to give you better answers. Also, if it’s possible, if they’re not a solopreneur, if they have a marketing person, if they have a salesperson, if they have an advisor, right, do this as a group. Because now you’re hearing, and what I see all the time is, I’ll get one answer from the sales team, and I’ll get another answer from the marketing team, and I’ll get a third completely different answer from the product team.

And you know what that shows them? Wow, we’re not even all on the same page. No wonder our marketing and sales is suffering a little bit. We all think different things about this company and the products and services that we sell. We really need to all get on the same page. The amount of insight and value that can come out of one of these sessions is almost invaluable, right? Which is why you can charge $3,500 for discovery, $5,000 for discovery. I said in one of my trainings in the inner circle, you can add at least $1,200 to every single project that you do.

But I said, that’s the minimum. That’s the minimum. If I get a client that, you know, their website might be in the neighborhood of 25, $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 when all is said and done, they might pay $10,000 for discovery. They might pay $7,500 for discovery. Right? If it’s a massive company, there’s people charging $20,000, $30,000 for just discovery.

Okay? That’s how valuable this kind of stuff is to a company. Coca-Cola, they spend millions and millions and millions of dollars just doing this kind of stuff. Okay? So don’t tell me that, you know, yeah, it’s a small mom and pop. They don’t have to spend that kind of money, but they got to spend something. They still got to be doing this work. OK, marketing is marketing is marketing is marketing.

And if we don’t have the answers to these questions and these kinds of insights, we really can’t do our job very well, can we? So this is why discovery needs to take place. Obviously, you need to charge for discovery because this is time and its value. And then you’re going to use these insights to actually do better work for your clients. If you have questions about this stuff, please don’t hesitate to drop them below. Hope you found this valuable. You can download this workbook for free. You can use it with your own clients.

You can structure it however you want. I would just re-encourage you to do this in person. Don’t try to just make this some sort of automated aspect of your discovery process. Okay? All right, guys. I’m out. Peace.