What’s up everybody, Merry Christmas. A lot of you are going to be very excited about this video and what comes along with this video because for a very long time now people have been asking me to share my agency pricing. To be honest with you, I was very uncomfortable with this for a while. I’m still uncomfortable with it because I just don’t. I trust most of you to not just like take this and just start sharing it around everywhere, but I don’t trust some of you. And that’s just honest truth. And the reason is, well one good reason is, after the launch of Automatic.CSS, within 24 hours, somebody from the inner circle had already bootlegged Automatic.CSS onto sharing sites, download sites, and whatever. I ended up tracking down who it was, banish them, and that’s solved. But it just goes to show that not everybody in the inner circle is super on the up and up right. And it’s to be expected.
We have over 650 members. But I also decided that this stuff is super valuable. I really wish I had had guidance like this on pricing when I was coming up in the agent C game. So I know it’s going to help and benefit a ton of you. And I think that that outweighs any of the downside from people who are going to take this and potentially share it around, tell other people about it. Without telling them, I mean, here’s, it’s okay if you’re like, hey, you know, if you want to see all the Kevin’s pricing, it’s in the inner circle. Go join the inner circle and get access to it like everybody else. That’s totally fine, right? It’s annoying when you put something out there for, you know, value for a specific group of people and certain people decide that, oh, yeah, well, everybody just needs access to that, right? That’s not what the inner circle is all about.
If people want the access, they can come get the access. It’s $20. Like, you know, it’s like 20 bucks a month. It’s not a big thing. It’s just the principle of the matter, right? But anyway, I’m going to go ahead and walk you guys through this spreadsheet. There are some things that you need to know. Now, aside from just giving you my pricing, I decided to actually build in two different scoping calculators, basically, into this document that you’re going to get, into this little package that I’ve put together for you. And I’m going to show you how to use those. And I’m going to show you how to edit them for yourself. You may not want to just use my pricing out of the gate. You may not be able to use my pricing right out of the gate. You might have to change up some of these things for yourself.
And I did update this for 2022. Just rounded some things out, made it a little bit more streamlined, we should say. And you know, I’m going into 2022 with this pricing. I will say that one of the tabs down there that we’re going to talk about is new for 2022. So we’ll talk about that when we get to there. But I just wanted to put those things out there that this has been updated. And it’s what I’m rolling into 2022 with. And there’s probably still some adjustments that are going to be made during 2022. And into 2023, this stuff is constantly evolving. So don’t feel like this is all set in stone and don’t feel like it’s perfect either. There’s probably some things that we could definitely improve on when it comes to pricing. And if anybody has feedback or discussion, they want to throw out some tips or whatever. Happy to hear those and have those shared in the community. But that’s it for the banter. Let’s go ahead and jump into the spreadsheet.
So the first tab, first thing you’re going to notice when you get access to this is there’s tabs along the bottom. This is a master pricing list. You’re going to see pricing for a bunch of different areas. So we have pricing for discovery. We have website pricing. We have the quick scope calculator that I mentioned. We have the full scope calculator. We have the website management packages. We have the local marketing packages. This is the new for 2022, something that I’m going to experiment with. And then this is the advertising pricing, Alacart. When we talk about the local marketing packages, I’ll tell you why I’m doing structuring it this way and why I’m experimenting with this for 2022. Let’s go ahead and start with discovery.
First thing is a lot of these prices in both discovery and website pricing. These are all mapped into the calculators. So when you get to the calculators, you’re not going to change any pricing here. It’s going to inherit whatever pricing you’re entering here. But you’re starting out with all of my default pricing. And we’ll cover this in just a second. Let me go back to discovery. So as far as discovery goes, we have two different types of website discovery. And then we have PPC discovery and copyright discovery. I do do Facebook ads for some clients. And when I do that, there is some discovery involved in that. But it’s typically because we’re already, and you’ll see this in the local marketing packages, we’re already doing PPC discovery. We’re probably already doing copywriting discovery there. That’s enough typically for what I need in terms of Facebook.
But here are your four different discovery packages. Primarily, this is the one that we’re rocking with. If they have additional locations, though, it’s going to be $500 per additional location. PPC discovery, pretty straightforward, doing your keyword research, your competitor analysis, your PPC forecast, your PPC game plan. You can see in the includes area what all of these things include. And I’m happy to clarify anything if you have any questions about it. I’m not going to read you this stuff word for word. You guys can read. I will go down the pricing here for the main website pricing, though. So you have your base website fee. This is like, if we’re doing a website for a client, it’s this is getting added right off the bat. And the reason being is we’re not trying to itemize all of the things that go into every single website build, which is there’s project prep we have to do.
There’s dev server setups. There’s DNS management. There’s WordPress setup. There’s global defaults configuration, like doing all the automatic.css setup and oxygen global defaults. Let me turn off my notifications on my phone. We’re doing plug-in installation and configuration. We’re doing a UI style guide. We’re doing the primary template dev. We’re doing the navigation, a 404 page, basic page template, policy pages, your S&TP server, SEO metadata. And then all launch deliverables when we are going through and actually launching the website. All of that is just kind of baked into base fee right here, base fee. We’re not doing anything like it’s only going up from here.
Okay. So that gets added to every single project. Then we break it down by UX, UI, dev, sales pages are kind of specific, which we’ll talk about. Copywriting, images, project management. This is the standard stuff you’ve heard me talk about before. The whole point of all of this is knowing every stage of your process, how much does each stage of the process cost, and are we actually billing for every stage of the process? Like right off the bat, and I’m about to do a video about this on YouTube. One of the biggest mistakes that people make in the very beginning is they just charge for one product, which is the website. They’re like, okay, I’ll do a website for you and it’s going to be this much. But they didn’t really break down all the steps and they didn’t make sure that they’re billing for all of the work that they’re actually doing. They end up doing a lot of work for free in that model because things are not itemized properly and not priced out properly.
The other thing is if you’re not doing these different steps, you’re not doing UX design in the form of wireframes, you’re not doing UI design in the form of mockups, you are missing out on value to the client, you are missing out on organization and streamlining a process, you’re missing out on scalability because you can’t just sell a website, right? There’s all these things have different specialty and knowledge areas. Like UX design is different from UI design and I’ve explained all of this stuff before, but as you start to build a team, you need a UI design person. You need a UX design person. Those are going to be probably two separate people. You need a dev person. That’s a completely separate person. And so as you work through this and understand where people need to sit on the bus, you also know, okay, well, those people are going to charge me to do this work and I better be charging the client to do this work. So if you’re not billing for these areas, you’re not going to scale.
It’s just not going to work out where you’re going to have a lot of pain points as you try to scale. So I’m kind of helping you skip a lot of frustration and failure and just say, these are the components of a real website and we need a bill for them. And here’s how much I bill for them. You may not want to bill this much or you may want to bill more, I don’t know, but we need to make sure that it’s all accounted for and that it’s all billed and built properly when you’re scoping these projects out. All right. So you have your UX single page and specialty page. Most of you are going to ask me like, what’s the difference between a single page and a specialty page for both UX and UI? Well, a specialty page you can think of is like a homepage. It’s a more intricate page. A lot more thought has to go into it.
It could be a service page, for example, or like when we get down to dynamic template versus standard template. It’s kind of, well, that’s more self-explanatory because the dynamic template is, if we’re going to be injecting dynamic data from custom fields and things like that, that makes it a dynamic template. But think about doing something like a service page where you’re going to use that format for multiple pages and it’s a lot more involved and we’re like selling a service. It’s very different from an about page, right? A service page, and if you see me build a service page before or think like a service area page, that is a specialty page. Now typically we’re doing a template for that, right? But you are still charging more to do that than you are for an about page, for example, or a contact page or any number of other basic pages. All right, so that kind of explains that. Again, I think I mentioned it.
UX is wireframes. UI is mock-ups. It tells you over here what this all includes. Then we have your dev for your single page for your virtual specialty page. So you can see when you’re about to scope something out, you kind of need to count all the pages that are going to be needed. But then you have to divvy them up between, okay, what are basic pages and what are specialty pages? And then for basic pages, you’re going to do basic UX, basic UI, basic dev. For specialty, it amplifies, right? We’re doing specialty UX, special to UI, and specialty dev. So that makes those pages a lot more expensive. And they should be because they’re much more involved. You can think of, again, specialty pages may also be pages that have carousels and galleries and all this other stuff that takes more time to plan out and takes more time to dev.
So it makes sense that you would be charging more for it. This goes into what I said earlier about doing free work. A lot of you build like the same amount for every page and it’s like that this page is way more intricate. And you’re spending a lot more time on it. You couldn’t know that upfront and build for that appropriately. All right, so sales page is, it’s kind of a long-form sales page for selling a specific product or service. You’ve probably seen these before. They’re markedly different than standard website pages, even standard service pages. They’re a lot more involved. What I do is I just kind of combine the UX, UI, and dev altogether. And a lot of times we’re doing this, you know, maybe after the fact, right? We’ve already done phase one of the website. And now we’re really honing in on selling a specific product or service.
Maybe ad traffic is going to be driven to this one particular page. It’s got the call, the action on it for actually buying. So that is just kind of like we add up how many sales pages do we need? And that’s how many we just build, bang, one shot for those. You don’t have to do it that way. It makes more sense to my brain to do it that way and I think to the client, it’s kind of easy as well. Especially when we’re adding on. The client’s like, hey, I need a new long-form sales page for this other product I’m doing. Okay, cool, 1200. Let’s go. That does not include the copywriting though. So if they want us to do the copy for that as well, it’s going to make that page more expensive. Copywriting we price out per word. And this is not the cost per copy.
And this is cost per finished word. So you are going to end up writing more than you bill for, which is why the price gets inflated a little bit. And you can even make this 50 cents a word, 60 cents a word, 20 cents a word if you want to. And you can even do it different for web copy versus sales copy versus ad copy. It’s up to you, completely up to you. But let’s say you’re going to pay a writer, you know, 15 cents a word or 20 cents a word. Maybe you’re going to pay an editor as well. I don’t know, because I know how good your writer is or if the writer can also be an editor. There’s a lot of decisions to make in there. But the agency has to make money on every single word that goes out the door. And you also have to be able to pay the writers and the editors, right? So you have to build in the profit into the copywriting just like you do anything else. It’s not like, oh, I’m going to pay copywriters to do the copy for you.
And I’m not going to make any money on that. Like, I got to organize the copywriters. I got to find the copywriters. I got to manage the copywriters. Like, I’ve got to make money on this, right? So you’re baking profit into every single word of copy that gets written. Royalty free images. This is something a lot of devs I see do for free. You don’t want to be doing this stuff for free. Like I’m watching devs hunt down stock images on stock image sites. It’s spending hours on them. I mean, you know how long this takes. Like, if you really care about finding a good image, you’re going to be looking and looking and looking for the perfect image. That is the clock is ticking.
And a lot of you are like, oh, well, this is part of the work. Like, no, it’s a, I mean, it’s part of the work if you build for it. It’s not part of the work if you didn’t build for it. So you got to tell, you know, upfront, you’re kind of telling your client, hey, do you guys have all the images and assets you need? Or are we going to be finding these and using stock images? And if they’re like, oh, no, we don’t really have anything you need to use stock images. Like cool. Okay, let’s $25 per image. And that again, that’s baked in that’s now I have a stock, I have multiple stock accounts that’s, you know, I have preferential pricing on if those don’t end up working, you know, they’re going to have to pay the licensing fee for those as well. But I kind of have the licensing baked into this cost as well as the cost to actually go through and find the images. But again, this is something that you can time on your own behalf and you can adjust the price accordingly.
Project management is a fee that I’ve talked about before that, you know, very few freelancers charge. And then a lot of agencies even that I’ve seen don’t charge this, but they should be charging it. But this is all those phone calls and emails and organization and delegation and logistics and testing and punchless and unaccounted for items. This all needs to be billed for. We bill for it inside of a project management fee and I’ve never had a client block at this. I’ve explained this by the way in other videos where it makes sense. It’s not like just a inflate the cost of the project fee. It literally you’re doing so much of this stuff and you’re just doing it for free because somewhere along the way you felt like it’s just the cost of doing business, the time involved to do this. But no, really you have to hire a pro, if you’re not doing this yourself, you have to hire a project manager, I have a project manager and they’re going to end up doing all this stuff.
I got to pay them. So who’s going to, it’s not this like I’m only paying them because your project, right? So your project pays for them. That’s how this works. If they were doing the project internally as a company, guess what? They would have to pay somebody to manage the project. So the fee is there, regardless of who’s doing the work, the fee whether they’re doing it internally or we’re doing it, the cost to do it is there, right? And so I’m billing for it. And that’s cool because now you can pay your project manager, which helps you out a lot, right? And it’s beneficial to the client because anytime you have a dedicated project manager, or projects, not clients, projects go much more smoothly. Communication is much better, right? You’re not trying to do everything.
So you’re not tied up with this other client over here and ignoring this client. They pay a project management fee, you hire a project manager, everything goes much more smoothly, everyone is happy, okay? So there really shouldn’t be that much like, you know, blocking at this price. It’s just, this is what it is. It’s just like any other part of the labor that goes into doing this project. All right. And then we have the build hourly rate for custom work. So there’s going to be things that you notice, like almost everything, as much as possible, I try to pre-price and I try to streamline the pricing on. And yeah, I’m going to lose money on some pages, but I’m going to make it back on other pages. It’s just, you know, the call, it’s just the, I was going to say the cost to doing business, but it’s not. It’s just, it’s the cost of streamlining pricing like this where, yeah, you got to be okay with losing money on a service page every now and then because you know you’re making it up when you do the short little context page.
But there are things that you just can’t price ahead of time because you’re, the client’s like, hey, I need some functionality that’s not standard at all. It’s just for us. You’ve probably never even done it before in another project. You’re going to have to figure it out and it’s like, how much for that? And I’m like, I don’t know. Like, I can’t even start to guess because I have to figure it out. And whenever that kind of thing happens, that’s when this hourly rate comes in. Or it might be like, hey, we have this very long onboarding form that we need you to replicate in because we want to put this online and have clients fill it out, right? So you’re like, okay, cool. And they’re like, how much is that going to cost? Like, I don’t know because when you do a very long form like that, there’s a lot of stuff that can go wrong. There’s a lot of stuff that has to be tested over and over and over again.
You get done with the form and then they’re like, oh, but you forgot these five other fields. We forgot to tell you about those. We need those input. Like, there’s a lot of chaos that can happen in a component like that that’s relatively advanced. There’s conditional logic. They might want to change how the logic works. So I don’t even try to tell them a price upfront on that stuff. I’m just like, yeah, absolutely. We can do it. We’re going to bill you hourly for that specific component when we get there. We’re going to track our hours. We’re going to tell you how much time it took and then that’s what we’re going to bill you.
What are you comfortable? Is there a maximum that you don’t want to spend beyond this? I mean, I can tell you right off the bat that it’s probably going to be at least five hours, four hours, three hours. I throw out a number. I’m just like, it’s going to be at least this much, okay? Are you comfortable with that? All right. Is there a amount we shouldn’t go over? All right. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, but we’re going to be billing hourly for this thing. And if they’re like, oh, yeah, we can’t spend more than 500 bucks to do that. I’m like, man, like based on what you’re telling me and based on our hourly rate, we’re not going to be able to do it for that price.
And just be up front with people, right? But this kind of hourly rate gives you that flexibility for things that you just simply can’t know ahead of time. How much it’s going to cost? All right. Next is infrastructure. So we have your custom post types, your custom fields. Like literally, I’m charging like we’re mapping out. Okay. How many custom field areas are we going to have to sign custom fields to? How many custom post types are we going to need for this project? What fields are we going to put in? Because all this has to happen in discovery as well, right? Now, you don’t have to bill necessarily for this stuff ahead of time. You can let the client know that these charges exist and you could potentially bill them after the fact.
I try to do as much of it up front as possible. And then listen, I just, I eat it if it ends up being a little bit more. So for example, if I’m like, okay, we’re going to estimate that you’re going to need about 20 custom fields and I bill for 20 custom fields. And it has to be 25 custom fields and by going back to the client and saying, hey, we’re a little short on the custom fields, we’re going to need 50 more bucks. I’m like, no, no, I’m just eating it because I already know that in the past, I never, I did all this work for free. And I know so many devs and agencies are doing this work for free, right? Oh, add five more custom fields. Yes, sir. And like you just do it and you never build for any of it up front to begin with, you’re just losing tons and tons of money. And so I know that at least billing for the vast majority of it, I’m coming out ahead, especially since I have margin baked into all this stuff and I have room for error baked into all of these, these prices.
But yeah, we are trying to calculate as much of this up front as possible, estimated up front as much as possible and then bill for it up front as much as possible. Any questions about that? You can ask me in the comments, whatever, basic forms, popping in 200. This is another area where it’s like, okay, what is a basic form? I mean, it’s up to you. Like you got to look at the form requirements and decide if that’s a basic form or if you feel like that’s more advanced and then charge accordingly, right? But I know for a fact that I’m going to lose money on some forms that I build at $200 and I’m going to make money, make a lot more money on certain forms that I can literally almost grab a WS form template with. But it’s just, it’s a wash, right? At the end of the day, it works out as long as I am accounting for everything and billing for everything. All right, so form integrations, you know, anytime you have to integrate with Google Sheets or Zabby, I mean, think about what this stuff requires, right?
So you’ve got to get a Google, okay, is it their Google Sheets account? Is it our Google Sheets account? Is it their Google Sheets account? Got to give me access, got to give me this, got to give me that. There’s going to be a lot of back and forth. Now we’re in project management mode. It’s not just as simple as like you’re doing the website for yourself. So you download the Google Sheets integration, you open your own Google Sheets, you grab the, you know, API key or whatever it’s going to be and then you pop it in and you’re off to the races. When it’s for a client, there’s a lot more complexity involved and you’ve got to know the stuff up ahead of time. So freelancers, agencies, I see all the time. Like, oh, yes, sir, I’ll do an integration, never charge for it. So now they’re off spending two hours doing an integration back and forth emails, maybe a phone call to walk their person through it, their client through it because the client doesn’t know where to go and, you know, Google Sheets to get this done properly.
So now you’re doing coaching and consulting, right? And you’re not charging for any of this stuff. So I just flat out say, hey, you want a Google Sheets integration, 100 bucks. You want to zap your integration, it’s 100 bucks. You want to ECRM integration, it’s 100 bucks. But I at least know we’re recouping some of that money. And again, there may be an integration where it’s done in 10 minutes. Cool, works great right out of the box. Perfect, fantastic. I made 90 extra dollars for nothing. And then there’s another one where it’s like, man, we, you know, spent a lot more than a hundred dollars internally to do that integration. But again, it all comes out in the wash. All right, so opt-in forms 60 bucks and then there’s a set up fee for 250. The reason is because an opt-in form specifically, this is like an asset delivery form.
So if you opt in, you deliver an asset. This involves a lot of things, right? It’s not just creating the form. You do have to have the ECRM set up integration done. So that kind of puts that fee on top of it. So we just package it and like you want opt-in forms, it’s $250 as just a base fee. And then a $60 per form will handle everything, all right? So there won’t be any nickel and diming or coming back to them or anything like that. They pay their fee and then we just count how many opt-in forms we’re doing. They’re delivering different things and then that’s how that adds up. Your models, right? You ever get into a project and clients like, oh, we actually, a model, a pop-up would be really cool here. Oh, yes, sir. Yes, ma’am.
We’ll build that model right away, right? And you never build for it. You’re just kind of stuck doing all these things. Well, if you have UX and UI done properly, you probably know where the models are going to be and you know how to charge for them or just in discovery where you’re talking with the client and it’s like, you know, would you like that thing in a model maybe? Would it be good to have that in a model? Anytime that comes up in discussion, that triggers in your mind, hey, might want to build for a couple of those models, right? Or if you like to, like I do, I like to build now. I like to build mobile menus in models because I feel like it works really well that way. So I oftentimes will put a couple of models into the pricing because I know I’m going to have that flexibility to do it and I have to come back to the client later and say, hey, I’m going to build a model or just eat the cost. I almost never go back to the client, by the way.
I’m going to never go back to the client and nickel and dye them. Like it’s on me to get this stuff right up front. So yes, I will build in a little bit of extra stuff because I want the flexibility to do what I need to do later into the project and not nickel and dyeing the client. And it almost always comes out perfectly, right? I’d much rather do that. Okay, so memberships, if they want membership functionality, there’s a whole section of pricing based on that. If they want e-commerce functionality, there’s a whole section of pricing based on that. Now I will tell you, I have not, I’ve avoided e-commerce websites very often. And so I’m starting to build out pricing for this. This is not a lot of this other stuff that you’re going to see is very solid. I do it all the time, build for it all the time. On the e-commerce side of things, this is more, I would say, experimental pricing, especially when it comes to the base fee is legit.
It’s a immediate $5,000 extra. On top of the other base fee you were paying and on top of everything else that we’re doing, just to add e-commerce functionality, it’s another five grand right off the bat. Now this other stuff, like how much is a variable product cost for some basic product to add that kind of stuff, shipping and tax setup, zones, payment, gateway, integrations. I feel pretty confident with these, but for those of you who specialize in e-commerce, if you have a different way of doing the pricing for this kind of stuff, I would definitely love for you to share that in the group. Then we have your migrations. So very often times you have to migrate blog posts. You have to clean up blog posts, especially, my gosh, a couple projects lately where it’s like they did the exact wrong thing where they did every single blog post in the Divi Builder or in Elementor, right? They didn’t use Gutenberg and inject the blog content and just write it like a normal blog.
They did it all fancy like with the Divi Builder every single blog post. Well you know, it’s good as I do. You remove Divi, now every blog post on that site is full of short codes, right? So we have to, somebody’s got to go in and clean out all those short codes. This is a perfect example of how much is that going to cost? I don’t know, dude. How many short codes were in there? How many blog posts are? This could take five hours, they could take 50 hours. I don’t know. So we’re going to have to go in because after you remove the short codes, you then have to kind of look at the old designs and say, well, what were they trying to achieve with certain layouts? And do we have to replicate those layouts? Or like, you see there’s a complexity involved here.
So I don’t know, dude, you screwed it up. I’ll fix it, but it’s going to be an hourly cost. You know, I don’t actually tell them that, but that’s why I’m thinking of my head, right? You did this wrong. Someone did this wrong. I’m not putting myself on the line for a specific price. I’ll just do the work. I’ll fix it and I’ll just log the hours. And this is what we’re going to bill you. And you might say, gosh, 150 bucks an hour for this kind of work. It’s because we’re an agency, right? I’ve got to have the right people and the right seats who can do this work. And I don’t have to babysit it. And I don’t have to do it myself. And so in order to do that properly, we got to pay for that person.
We got to pay for management. We got to, there’s project manager time in here. There’s agency profitability in here. There is protecting us against just certain things that do waste our time that we may end up not billing the client for. So after all is said and done, it gets to this price right here. And there’s sometimes I’ve been at 175 an hour. I’m working my way towards $200 an hour. Trust me. We don’t want to go down from here. And when I do a lesson or a training on how hourly rates should actually be calculated, you’ll start to see why they need to be very high. Even if you’re a freelancer, if you have hopes of scaling, you need it to be higher than what you’re currently charging. Probably much higher.
So those of you who are working and charging clients, you know, $50 an hour, $60 an hour, you need to double immediately. But yeah, this is how it goes. So media library migration that’s pretty cut and dry. Let’s get on to the actual scoping. Then we’ll talk about the other things. So I have two different things I built in here for you. One is a quick scope and one is a full scope. The quick scope is when you’re on a discovery call with a client, and I’ve talked about this before, where you need to give them a range. You’re not trying to nail them down to a specific price, but you’re trying to nail them down to a range. You want to see if they’re at the bottom end of the range or the top end of the range, and you want to make sure they don’t flinch when you give them the range. Because if they flinch at the range, they’re not the right client.
So here’s how this works. All of the pricing is pulled from this list right here, the website, and discovery pricing. So if you need to adjust the pricing for yourself, you go in and make the adjustments here, and then everything will carry over to these two calculators. So you go in and you basically say, are we going to be doing discovery? Yes or no? Yes is one, no is zero, right? If I do zero, it takes the amount away. But I do yes, it puts the discovery in there. Are we doing copywriting for you? Yes or no? Well, if I say yes, it’s going to pop in that discovery copywriting fee. We’ll pretend that we’re not doing copywriting for this. We’re just doing discovery. We are doing a base website standard UX.
So literally you count the pages that you’re going to need wireframes for. Okay, 12 pages, pop it in. You count how many of those you need actual UI mockups for. Now if you know my process, we don’t do mockups for every single page. We do a homepage mockup. We do a complicated page markup. Got a complicated order. I should put that in right there. We do the complicated page mockup. That would be like a service page, a service area page, things like that, right? Some of those more special t pages. What we’ll do UI for those, we do a UI style guide. All right, so let’s just say here we got your homepage. We’ve got your UI style guide and we’ve got a complicated page. So that’s going to be three.
So we’ll put that in. And if you want to build more, right, you can. Like if you are more comfortable with more UI or your devs need more UI or whatever, my devs can take the UI that we have and the UI style guide and then everything else they can dev out just from a wireframe. But maybe that’s not you. Maybe you want to go with five. Maybe you want to do all 12, right, and pop it in there. Whatever’s up to you. I try to save the client more money on that side of things because we don’t need them. And I don’t bill for stuff I actually don’t need at the end of the day. Okay, so I’m going to do three for that. Then you do standard pages. Well, pretty much every page that you dev is going to need a wireframe. If you’re working with a team, if you’re doing an agency thing at all, you need a wireframe for every page is going to get devs.
If you don’t have a mockup, you need a wireframe. If you don’t have either of those two and you want something devs, it’s a craft shoe. Like you’re, that’s just not how the process works. Okay. So if you have 12 wireframes, and there’s probably going to be 12 pages, then you go 12 on the dev as well. Then you need to dev out your template. So we’ve got your primary template. That’s already included in the base fee, by the way. So we’re not going to count that. But we may need, let’s say that this is going to have a blog. So we need a blog post template, category template, search results template, what else? That’s probably it, right? So yeah, category, search results, and then the single template. So we’ll just do three there.
And then CPTs, you account. All right, we’re going to do a review CPT. We’re going to do a services CPT. We’re going to do an FAQ CPT. So that’s three right there. Now I want you to notice that this quick scope is not all the detail. All the detail is in the full scope. Okay. The quick scope is just getting them arranged, right? And so we got to be able to do this quickly and kind of on the fly. So we’re not doing copywriting, as we said. So Modals, basic dev, we might throw two of those in here. Actually, it might take this out of the quick scope, because that’s more of like an involved scope type of thing. But we know how many forms we’re going to need pretty much right off the bat.
And persons like, hey, we need a contact form, we need an inquiry form, and we need something else form. Okay, we’re going to pop three of those in. And then we might even throw three hourly, three custom hours in there, a hourly work, just to pad things a little bit. Okay. So we’re going to put it right off the bat. What do we see? It also adds the project management for us out there. So total is 14, 112. It breaks it down by category for you. So it’s showing, hey, there’s a thousand in discovery, there’s 2,400 in UX, there’s 600 in UI, there’s 8,600 in development, and then you have your project management fee. Now over here on the right hand side, you’re going to see that estimate range. So I’ve set this to round down from this number right here to the next 10K or whatever, or 5K or whatever it is, and then it’ll round up to the next as well.
And so on the phone, the client, very quickly, you’re like, well, these projects typically go for between 10,000 and 20,000. You can even change your aggressiveness, right? If you want to be less aggressive with your range, you can pop a different number in. That clearly didn’t work, but that one did. So I’m going to have to go make sure that that’s calculating properly, or it just could be that this keeps it in the same range. Oh, it’s just because it’s keeping it in the same range. So sometimes the aggressiveness will pop it into the next range, and you’ll get a new range. And really, that should be, I’ll have to work on this a little bit. I just built this for you guys. So that should be like 20,000 at that point, so it should be 20,000 to 30,000. But that gives you a way to kind of dial in that range with something you’re comfortable with.
And you kind of want the range to be big. You don’t want the range to be like, oh, these go for 10 to $12,000. You have no wiggle room in there whatsoever. You have just nailed down basically a price. So you want to be 10 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 50. As the project gets bigger and bigger, the range needs to get bigger and bigger too. So just keep that kind of stuff in mind. All right, so that’s how that works. And then we’re going to go to full scope website. So this is where you can actually come when you’ve done all the discovery work. You’ve created your SOW. And now you really need to price this out based on the statement of work that you’ve created. You come in here and it does everything very granularly. You put that in. What’s really great about this is it auto calculates your payment options for you over here.
So if they’re going to make one single payment, oh, this is the part where probably I need to back up. Sorry. What you noticed is some things missing here. So I do have some hidden fields and I hit these improperly. Actually need to put the headings on there. If we look at the full scope side, we come down here. One thing I do is I come in and I hide these. So I’ll do just hide rows, right? Okay, I can edit it and I’ll come down here and I’ll hide these. And then how this works is if they need membership and e-commerce, you can just click a little button, bam, I’m going to don’t show me this again. Okay. So pop out all of your things that you can bill for in terms of membership functionality. And then if they need e-commerce, you can hit that.
But if they don’t need it, this stuff stays hidden out of the way. And I leave the headings visible, right? But I hide all the kind of internal services that go with it. So I know that these are there waiting if I need them. And then same thing here is the price field is hidden there if you need to see it or access it. But you shouldn’t be editing your prices here. So I keep that hidden. And then same thing here is your adjustment, right? So you can see here if they make one single payment, they get a 10% discount. This becomes their payment. This is not a monthly payment, but well, you’ll see it. They paid it in that month, but it’s the total amount to pay. And if we did this, we’ll do single location. So two additional locations, copywriting.
Yeah, we’re going to do that for sure. And then wireframes, we’ll do 12 standard and then standard mockups. We’ll do, let’s say, four for this project and then dev standard pages. We’re going to do 12 templates. Let’s say four and then CPTs. Let’s do three custom field areas. We’ll probably need three for that. Custom fields, let’s say, 15. 15. Thank you. Custom taxonomies. Are any of those custom fields going to, or custom CPTs going to need their own taxonomy to go with it? Yeah, sure. Actually, two of those.
So like FAQs might need to be categorized, right? So we’re going to need to set a category. That’s one. And then let’s say the reviews, we want those to be categorized as well. There you go. That’s two custom taxonomy categories. How many categories are in those taxonomies each? So let’s say there’s 10. Okay, now we’re coming down. It just adds a little bit, but it’s work. You’re going to be doing. Is it fast work? Yeah, but let’s bill for it. Don’t say, oh, yeah, I’m just going to do that for free. It’s super easy and fast.
Like, no, bill for it. And then the directional relationships will say, no, copywriting. Let’s say we’re going to end up doing across this entire site 10,000 words, right? Sales pages. We’re going to do one of those. Models, we’re going to do two of those. And we’re going to dev those out. Forms basic. We’re going to have three of those. And we’re going to have form integrations, three of those. We’re going to do opt-in forms, no. Then we can skip membership and e-commerce and then custom hourly work. We’re going to end up doing five hours of custom work on this project. So now you see we’ve got our sub-total. Our project management fee gets added.
There’s our total right there. And it’s breaking it down by category. And then you come up here and it’s showing you, here is the payment options. Now I don’t always offer all these payment options, right? Typically it’s one, two, or three. You pay me once, you get a 10% discount. You pay me twice, you pay full price. You pay me three times on a 60 day project and this is where this comes in to play, right? Most projects we’re trying to get out in 60 days. So if we do that, you’re actually paying us after the site is done and live, that final payment, that’s a risk to us. So you’re going to get charged for that risk. If we break it out even further, if you’re paying us four payments after this thing’s already been done and live, that’s extra risk to us. You pay us even more and then 12 is even more risk, just like anything, right?
Anything that you ask for a payment plan on, you’re going to end up paying more for. But this does all the calculations for you. It tells you the monthly payment. So it would be $2,243 times 12 for a total of 26,919. You can see the differences here as we go in what that actually comes out to for a final price. You have a $24,400 website but they end up paying $26,000, $27,000 because they decided to break it out over 12 payments. And then you got this as a monthly cash flow, which a lot of times on these bigger projects, that could be super, super beneficial. If you have contracts in place and all of that and it’s a client that’s within your country, you shouldn’t really be, you know, you can take these people to court, right? So you may opt for like, yeah, I’ll take that monthly, consistent cash flow and I’ll take more in the long run and I’ll take the risk, okay? That’s completely up to you.
But I broke that out because these are standard payment structures. Not a lot of people go with the one-time payment. I’m talking about freelancers and agencies in terms of offering it. Man, I’ll tell you what, so many clients, like I think 60% of my clients now make one payment, pay a front and they’re done with it. That’s amazing. You don’t have to chase money down. Yeah, you lose 10%, but it’s so much better for everybody. I can just do my job. Milestones don’t get in the way. I’m going to do a whole video on not doing Milestone payments. This is really good. And these are not Milestones, by the way. This is monthly payment. They’re going to pay me two months back to back regardless, right?
And I’ll do a whole video on why that is. Three months, okay? You’re paying me one, two, three. That’s not going to be one, and then we’ll wait a few months and you pay me again. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that’s going to happen. It’s one, two, three, okay? And that’s the only options that they are given. So that’s how to use these calculators, okay? So you got some hidden fields in there to remember. You can make these adjustments if you want. I just hide that away, but you can adjust those to whatever you want. All right, let’s talk website management. So we got our three packages here for website management. I’ll let you guys take a look at all this stuff.
And if you have any questions, you can ask local marketing packages. So what I’m thinking and what I found is that, you know, it gets a little bit overwhelming and most local businesses, these are things I’m going to offer to local businesses who are like, hey, we’re not doing much because most local businesses fall in this bucket. It’s like, all right, we have this website, but it’s not really doing much for us. We really want to do more in terms of online marketing. What can we do? All right, bam, package right here, right? So basically they’re deciding, basic is SEO, we’re going to do SEO plus Google My Business. Okay? Advanced is we’re going to do SEO plus Google My Business plus PPC. And when it comes to the SEO, we’re going to be doing more than we would have done in the basic package as you’ll see when you start to look at all the deliverables and everything. And then pro is we’re going to do SEO plus GMB plus PPC plus we’re going to get you going with Facebook ads.
And then we have the elite version which just gives more of the deliverables for each of these things. So it tells you what everything includes. But I think that the way that the packaging, this packaging, things this way, it’s not like, okay, well, we’re going to do SEO and here’s the price for that. And we’re going to do your GMB, here’s the price for that add on. And then we’re going to do PPC, do you want to do PPC? We’re going to add that on as well. This is how much that costs. And then we’re going to do Facebook for you. Okay, but this is how much that costs over here. It’s like so overwhelming. It’s like, look, you need to be doing SEO. You need to have your GMB optimized. You need to be doing PPC and Facebook would be really good to add on as well.
So you decide like, which combination do you want to go with and we’re going to take care of it for you. And this is the price we’re going to take care of it at. It’s much more manageable, I think, when it’s done this way. So this is what this is new for 2022 that I’m going to be going with in terms of, you know, presenting these to my local clients. And I’m not going to get into all the nitty-itty. These are a lot of this stuff is for internal knowledge, right? I’m going to get them to choose based on like kind of this stuff right here. You know, I’m going to tell them, hey, we’re going to do the SEO audit, discovery, competitor research, conversion audit of your website. We’re going to do the technical SEO. We’re going to set up and optimize your social profiles. We’re going to set up or optimize your GMB. We’re going to do a copy strategy session with you.
So we know how to sell your services better than you do. We’re going to set up your ad accounts. We’re going to set up analytics. And then it’s basically like deciding in terms of the SEO. All right, how many target keywords are we going to go after? How many service areas are we going to go after? And then directory submissions, things like that. So I might get into this a little bit, but I’m not going to go into like schema and, you know, core web vitals optimization and, you know, SEO audits and landing page hosting. It’s just all this stuff is they’re going to find out that it’s included or limited, you know, kind of later on if they want to move down a package or up a package, I’ll let them move up or down a package. It’s fine. We need to get them to make a decision based on the little list, little list. Is that a word?
Information, amount of information, possible. It’s very easy to overwhelm clients with this kind of stuff. So like I would literally present them to this first. I would say, well, for this we can do your SEO, your GMB, your PPC. How does that sound? And they’re like, whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s included in that? Then I’ll go into the details. But you know how many clients are like SEO, GMB, PPC? That sounds great to me. Go for it, right? Or, no, we really need Facebook in there as well. Okay, cool. We can do the pro package. That includes Facebook for you as well for that price. How does that sound?
Cool. Let’s go. Or, what’s that include? Okay, then we’ll go, all right. Here’s most of the deliverables that are super important for you. And then they’ll make a decision at that point. And they’re like, I still don’t know what else is involved here. Then we’ll go deeper into details, okay? But you get it, right? You should understand. All right, then we have Ola Cart advertising pricing. This is for clients that want to do advertising, but they don’t really fit into these pre-done packages. This is pretty straightforward. Like, how many managed platforms are we going to be doing?
That’s Google. Could be Facebook. It could be YouTube even. It could be LinkedIn for some of our B2B clients. So we do that per campaign. How many campaigns are we going to be running? So these are the monthly fees. And then there’s set up fees involved as well. How many unique landing page templates are we going to have to create? How many landing page duplicates are we going to have to create? And then change the content on. You have your landing page hosting that goes in there. And then are we going to be doing copywriting, yes or no? So that’s all kind of self-explanatory. All right.
I’m giving you this stuff with the confidence that you will use it internally, that you will not share it out to the entire world, that you will not brag on Facebook and all these other places. Hey, I got Kevin’s pricing that he does. And yada, yada, yada. It’s just like you’re in the inner circle. OK? Use it. Get value from it. Make a lot of money with it. But don’t just go sharing it with everybody. Don’t bootleg it. I don’t want to see it showing up on anywhere else, right? Use it for yourself. It’s not that hard.
And if other people, if you think other people need to get their hands on this stuff, then tell them to come join the inner circle. It’s $20 freaking dollars. And then they can get in and they can get it themselves, right? But just do me a solid and keep this stuff inside the inner circle. All right. That’s it. Hope you guys enjoy this. I hope it’s helpful. I hope you make a lot of money with it. I’m out. Alright, here you go.