Today I’m going to teach you a fundamental keyword research technique. It’s a technique that you should be using all the time because it ensures that you can find keywords that literally any website can rank for even if that website is like a day old. And I’m not talking about ranking in three months or six months or three years from now. I’m talking about ranking in a few days in some cases, a couple weeks in most cases. And I’m also talking about ranking in the top 20, the top 10, the top five, the top three. It all comes down to the keyword, obviously. But you’re going to be able to demonstrate results, which is very critical for a few different reasons. Number one, it shows the client that you know what you’re doing. Number two, this is a technique for building a solid foundation. I’m going to teach, this is a prerequisite. I’m going to teach another tutorial that is all about a tier based SEO approach.
And this approach to tiers is critical because if you follow an approach like this, it ensures that you are building a rock solid SEO foundation for the website or websites that you are working on, which means that when Google comes out with their algorithm updates, you are far less impacted, probably not even impacted at all. And if you are, it’s just very, very minor because of the foundation that you’ve built. So I’m doing this video right here video. We’ll say this is video one in this little series. This is building a website from scratch, okay? Or you’re going in, here’s another idea for you. Let’s say you don’t have a lot of clients, but you really want to get into SEO. You can’t just go up to somebody and say, hey, we you sign up for a $1,500, $2,500 SEO campaign for the next 12 months with me. I don’t have any results to show you. I’ve never worked with clients before, but will you do it? Like no, no, I’m not going to do that, right?
So if you need to be able to show results, here’s one thing that you can do with this technique is you can outreach and say, hey, look, I don’t have a lot of experience in the SEO game, but I’ve done a lot of research. I don’t have a lot of real world experience, maybe it’s a better way to phrase that. I don’t have any other clients to show you with the results, but what I’m willing to do for you is I’m going to find and rank your website. I’m going to find three keywords and I’m going to rank your website for them in 30 days to prove to you that I know what I’m doing because I’ve been doing a lot of studying, I’ve been doing a lot of practicing, and now I’m ready to get my feet read in the real world. So I’m going to find three keywords and I’m going to get your website to rank for them in the next 30 days. Keywords that are important to your business. And if I can do that successfully, can we have a discussion about doing an SEO campaign with me?
Something like that, right? You’re doing this kind of outreach where you’re giving them something up front, you’re showing them results in an area where they don’t know who to trust. Okay? There’s a lot of, you know, sleaze bags in an SEO, obviously. So you want to show them, hey, I’m not some fly by night, I’m being honest and upfront with you, I’m going to show you results for free and then let’s discuss maybe doing an SEO campaign. You can absolutely use this technique to do something like that. But even if you’re just an SEO agency like I am and I go in and a client has brand new, this is the technique that I start with to build them up and create that solid foundation. And then this is the prerequisite for this tier based approach because every website, regardless of their domain authority, how long they’ve been around, whatever, is it a different tier? And you have to be able to diagnose their tier and be able to match keywords to that tier in order to be successful for them.
And then also build a foundation below that tier if they don’t already have one. But that’s for a different video. So we’re going to hop in right now. We’re going to talk about this technique and then I’m going to actually show you how to do it. So we’re going to start in the iPad. This keyword technique is called KGR. KGR stands for keyword golden ratio. All right. So there’s the name of the technique. We’ve unveiled the technique. It’s keyword golden ratio. There is a formula for finding the keyword golden ratio for any keyword. And it is this. All in title.
That’s one word, by the way, all in title divided by keyword. That was terrible. Keyword volume. That equals your KGR. Let me make sure my, yes, screen recording is all looking good. Okay. I have a fear because I switch screens and all this other stuff and I’m writing. It’s like I have to record this whole thing if something’s missing or gone or covered up or whatever. So I just, I like to check from time to time. All right. So all in title over keyword volume equals your KGR. Now you’re like Kevin, what in the world is all in title mean? Okay. We’re going to talk about that in a minute.
Before we talk about that, we’re going to talk about what we’re looking for in the ratio because we are looking for a specific ratio. That’s where this really comes into play. So there’s three different T how to use the word tiers again. There’s three different categories that your keyword can fall into, I guess. Less than 0.25. So the golden ratio is 0.25 or less golden. If it’s 0.25 to 1.0, it’s a maybe. If it’s 1.0 or greater, so I’ll say plus, I’m going to say avoid that. It’s not that it’s a bad keyword. It’s not that you can never rank for the keyword. You have to keep the whole context of this discussion in mind. I said, find keywords that any website can rank for. So we want any website to be able to rank for it. It can’t have a golden ratio of one or more.
It’s got to be less than 0.25. If you’re 0.25 to 1, you’re in a maybe zone. You’re going to have to look at some other factors and decide whether you want to go after that keyword or not. But if I was putting my money on this, like if I said, I have to rank these three keywords, a boldly going for golden ratio keywords, less than 0.25. So now let’s talk about all in title and let’s talk about actually doing this technique. So for this, I’m going to put our iPad aside for a moment. What we’re going to do is switch to our screen. And I’m going to go over to Atrefs. And I’ve got Atrefs pulled up here. I’ve got SimRush pulled up. I’m going to show you how to do this technique, regardless of which one you use. We’re also going to see some differences in the results that you’re going to get from Atrefs to SimRush.
And we’re also going to talk about how to do a little bit of this in Google. Now, I know a lot of you are like, oh, gosh, Kevin, tools. Oh, you’re hurting my. I feel my wallet’s got a whole burn in it. Or I don’t even know what the saying is. But you don’t like spending money on the tools. You don’t like investing in the tools. I’ll say this. One, you can make a ton of money in SEO. SEO is extremely valuable for your business. Even if you’re only doing it for yourself, invest in the tool. What is server connections interrupted? OK, ignore that. It’s just throwing up alerts on my screen that I’ve never seen before. The tools are worth their weight in gold.
If you really know what you’re doing with SEO, whether you’re doing it for yourself, or you’re doing it for other companies, they’re worth their weight in gold. And you’re going to see exactly why that is. Just invest in the freaking tools. If the cost, the expense, is a drop in the bucket compared to what you’re going to be able to do with the tool and the ROI, you’re going to be able to extract out of it. All right, so here we are in Google. And before we get to all in title, I’m stringing you along with this all in title thing. Because you’re like, I can’t stop watching this until I know what all in title means. OK, so we’re going to go to the key words explorer. And in SimRush, you’re going to go to, I’m going to do this side by side in the two tools. In SimRush, you’re going to go to the keyword magic tool. OK, these do very, very similar things. All right, so I’m going to start.
We’re going to do this in the roofing industry just because, I don’t know, it’s easy for everybody to understand, I think. And roof claim is one of my bigger clients. I don’t do this exact strategy for them because obviously their domain authority, I mean, you can look at them right here. Come on, load the dashboard, atrefs. Oh gosh, all right. Maybe not. Maybe we don’t get to look at them. Where is your dashboard atrefs? There we go. OK, so roof claims domain rating is 47. Obviously, they’re at a much higher tier of what we can go after. I’m showing you a very low tier of any website can rank for this stuff. OK, so I don’t do this exact strategy, but I do use the tier based strategy that I’m going to teach in a future video.
OK, so with that said, we’re going to type in the word roof replacement. And I’m going to hit enter. And that’s all we’re going to do. Now, if you remember back to, and hopefully you’ve watched my other prerequisite videos all about finding good keywords and what are the different types of keywords and how does SEO work and all of that good stuff, you know that longer tail keywords, which are more specific keywords, are typically better. So what we want to do in these tools, and I’ll do this over here, roof replacement. All right, when you type in a single keyword, obviously, it gives you the stats for that keyword. Well, we’re in the magic tool over here, so it already skipped a step. But in a drafts, it just pulls up the numbers. Gosh, my brain’s not working today. Pulls up the stats, the numbers for the keyword that you typed in. What you want to do is find all of the keyword variations that contain these words, and you do that by clicking on matching terms.
You can also do related terms. You can do search suggestions, which is like Google auto complete. And you can also do terms match or phrase match. So what I’m going to do to just keep this simple, matching terms, terms match, which is the default in H refs that when you do matching terms, you’re going to get terms match by default. And that’s what you want, all good. But in Simrush, you’re going to get broad match, which is basically the same thing. That is the default in Simrush is broad match, which is fine. So both tools, we’re pretty much using the default. So we’re not getting crazy into any other details here. One other piece of filtering that we need to do is the volume. And the reason we’re going to do this is, again, high volume keywords. Now, I’ll give you a sneak peek at what a tier based approach to SEO looks like. Google is not going to take a website that’s brand new and has no organic traffic and allow them to rank in the top five, top 10, whatever, for a 22,000 volume word.
It’s just not going to happen for various reasons. It’s a lot of times it has to do with the keyword difficulty, because those are going to be more competitive terms. But it’s just got to do with how Google does not trust a new domain. So they’re only going to let you go after the low tier keywords. And so what we need to do in these tools is narrow our search to the low tier keywords. Now if you’re very new to SEO, like you’ve never done on page SEO before, you don’t know to put alt tags on your images. You don’t know how to write a title tag or a meta description. Your tier is like zero to 50 searches a month. This is the volume right here. This is monthly search volume for each of these keywords. Your beginner tier, your low level tier is zero to 50 searches a month. If you know what you’re doing with on page SEO, title tags, meta descriptions, images, you have a really well built website.
And you know how to create quality content, I would say your base tier is 250 searches a month or less. And that’s exactly what we’re going to filter to. So we’re going to click this little volume drop down and put a max of 250. And I’m going to hit apply. And that’s going to show me all these variations that only have 250 searches a month or less. And it’s going to go down from there. Look at this guys. I still have 386 pages of keywords. Now if you go to page 386, all right, well, it’s not even going to show you. I think it’s the plan I’m on. That’s only for like enterprise level plans. But even if I go to like page five, so we’re still in the 70s for volume, right? And we’re still going through all these variations. So you’re going to get plenty of options to choose from.
Now if I hop over to SimRush, same thing. Volume down here to 250 is the max apply. And it’s going to filter my results just like H refs did. OK, we’re almost all entitled what that means. All right, so now what we have to do is we have to look at the keywords and start to find keywords that seem like a good fit. And this goes back to the other prerequisite videos I did. You’re going to have to know what you’re looking for. OK, but I’m just going to go down this list with you. Flat roof replacement options. Roof claim doesn’t really work with flat roofs. So that’s not a good option for them because even if we got that traffic, it’s not really going to convert that well because they don’t do flat roofs very much. They don’t want to be doing flat roof. Let’s say that.
Roof replacement costs New Jersey in J. So that’s not a really good fit because they’re not doing a lot of stuff in New Jersey. But if they were, maybe I would look at that. OK, free roof replacement grants. RV roof replacement options. I mean, this one’s a maybe, but that’s such a round of out way. If I teach someone what grants are available for free roof replacement, and then I show them how to get the grants, and then maybe they get approved for a grant, then I got to get them to come back and be a customer of roof claim. OK, like that’s where we’re skipping that one. Insurance roof replacement questions. Too broad to generic. Does insurance cover roof replacement? There’s one right there. So we’re going to mark that.
And free roof replacement with solar panels. RV roof replacement customers. Continuing down the list here. Roof and gutter replacement. Shingle roof replacement costs. I’m going to hit that one. How much is a roof replacement? We’ll do that one because I want to teach you a lesson about this. Tile roof replacement costs. Let’s mark that one. Commercial roof replacement costs. Sure. We’ll throw that in there. They do commercial roof replacement. A roof for pop up camper replacement cost.
Now these cost ones also aren’t that great because these are people in information gathering mode. They’re not really in like I want a contractor to come do my roof right now mode, or I’m in a situation that I really need help with. And then you can you help me kind of mode. So just keep that in mind as well. It depends on the strategy that you’re actually going for and the type of traffic you’re trying to build at the time you’re doing this technique. There’s a lot of stuff based on cost. We’re going to skip those. Okay. We see some areas like Tacoma roof replacement. Roof tile replacement cost. There’s roof replacement cost Houston. They are doing some stuff in Texas.
So let’s check that for now. Our roof lining replacement Monroe roof replacement house replacement that typical. Okay. Columbia roof replacement cost generic furnace Hamilton roof. All right. So I’m going to add these to a keyword list. We’re going to do a new list. So we’re just going to do test. Okay. So that’s going to add those to test. And then I’m going to go to page two. And we’re just going to look very quick. Just going to pick a couple more. So look at this. Average roof replacement cost Florida.
I love that one because Florida is their key market. And it’s a very specific keyword. So and you know specific in SEO really good. Okay. All right. But again, that’s a type of person that’s information gathering. Not necessarily ready to make a decision yet. But still it’s a valuable keyword. Especially for roof claim because their strategy overall is to be an authority in this market, which means that they want to rank for all this stuff. They want to be teaching people along with getting business, right? They just want to be the number one player in roofing period. And this goes because they’re also transitioning to being a network, almost like a home advisor for the roofing industry versus them doing all the work themselves. Anyway, that’s a side that’s a side tangent.
Okay. So let’s just stop here. Let’s just we’ve got enough. Okay. So keywords list. I’m going to put that on test. Okay. Good. Just make sure there’s nothing else here. Let’s do one for like repair. So there that’s there two main like things. So roof repair. Let’s keep looking. Reaching roof repair. Reef leak repair near me.
Metal roof. New Jersey commercial. Roof flashing repair. Rushing goes repair. And I go. I didn’t even. So that’s the thing that when you do a new search in Simrush, it leaves your filters in H refs. It removes your filters. So we’ll remove my max. Look at this. Look at all these. I was like, wow, these are really top level. So the max, let’s actually go more specific to show you that this is possible. So you can do 100 as the max.
And let’s see what we get. Roof repair sealant Toronto. Roof repair under. Okay. Chimney over the top. That’s a brand. Remember roof repair in voice example, Springfield, Car Interior, roof and ceiling, sagging roof repair, sagging roof repair. That’s okay. I like this one because if you’ve got a sagging roof, you’re probably not getting it repaired. You’re getting it replaced. And that’s exactly what roof claim wants to be doing. They don’t really want to be doing repair. They want to be doing replacement. So we’ll just pop that on there.
Barn roof repair. Cleveland, okay. Roof repair, flat roof repair options. They’re not really doing anything with flat roof. So we’re going to skip that. We already talked about that. Roof repair sealer. Roof repair financing. Clay tile. Clay tile roof repair. I like the specificity, right? That’s going to go along with probably, that could be a top level page for national ranking. It could be a service area page for a very specific service. It could be a lot of things. We’re just going to use that as an example.
Okay. Let’s just add these. We’re going to add those to our test list. Now, let’s open our test list. All right. Now, let’s talk about all in title. We’re there. We can talk about all in title now. Okay. So let’s take one that I know is going to fail. How much is a roof replacement? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. How much is a roof replacement?
Let’s try that. All right. So we’re going to go to Google. There’s a search operator for Google called all in title. You just type it in like that with no spaces. You put a colon. And then you paste your keyword. How much is a roof replacement? And I hit enter. Let’s see what we get. It’s going to tell you the number of results. Okay. All in title value from our formula earlier. Remember, all in title divided by search volume equals keyword golden ratio. So my all in title value for this keyword is 41.
Now, let’s talk about why this is relevant. This shows you every page on the internet that Google has indexed that has these terms in its title, which means pages specifically targeting this. This is the most relevant keyword difficulty metric. I would say that you can get because it means that there are 41 other pages targeting this exact phrase or this exact collection of words. Okay. Now does that sound like a lot? Well, no, because there’s a crapload of pages on the internet, right? And this is, remember, there’s only one variation of this keyword, but that’s all we’re concerned about right now. But anyway, you take 41 and you divide it by the volume, which is 250. So I’m going to open a calculator so you can see. All right. So we have 41 and we’re dividing that by 250.
There is our number right there. Remember, when I said our golden ratio ranges, what were they? Let me go back to iPad here. So there they are right there. Less than 0.25 is golden. 0.25 to 1 is a maybe and 1.0 and up is a void. Well, is 0.16 less than 0.25? The answer is yes. That is a keyword that passes the golden ratio. So now let me do a more specific, not a less specific, sorry, a less specific variation of this to show you what you might run into from time to time. Roof replacement costs. And look at this. They’re not even giving you the total number found. They’ve replaced that upper line with all these places because they know and you would know if you do SEO that roof replacement cost is area specific.
And so Google is almost telling you, hey, dude, you’re not done yet. Like you need to make this more specific. So if you click on Florida, they’re going to change it with the keyword roof replacement cost Florida, which by the way is one that we already found using our own keyword research tool, HREFs. We put it in our list right there. So let’s just take a look. We do roof replacement cost Florida. What do we get? Roof replacement cost Florida. 22 million. 8, oh, sorry, I didn’t do. It helps to do all in title. Okay, there we go. I was like, wow, that didn’t seem right.
But there you go. 1,070 results for roof replacement cost Florida. And is that the exact one? Average roof replacement cost Florida. So you see there we’re missing a word. So I’m going to go back up here and we’re going to do the average. We already know this is going to fail, right? Roof replacement cost Florida. We’re going to go to average roof replacement cost Florida. This is going to give us eight results. Okay. So I do my little handy calculation. First let’s see what our volume is. 150. All right.
So I’m going to bring up our calculator. And we are going to clear that out. 8 results divided by 150 volume gets us.05. Is that less than.25? Absolutely it is. That is a golden key word. Okay. So let’s take one that maybe is going to fail here. Commercial roof replacement cost seems pretty generic to me. Seems pretty broad. The volume is 200. Let’s hop over here to all in title. And I’m going to show you a tool by the way that’s going to allow you to do this kind of stuff very quickly and in mass. So hang with me all entitled commercial roof replacement cost 321 results.
Well we already know that’s over one. So 321. Well, I can’t do it in there. I’m going to do it in the calculator. 321 divided by 200 was the volume 1.6. That is a no go. That’s in the no go zone. So you would eliminate that from your targeting. All right. So let’s show you the tool now. I built this spreadsheet tool for you. Well, that’s for me too, but I’m going to share it with you. You can make a duplicate of it. And all you’re going to do is you’re going to do the process that I just showed you for finding long tail keyword variations with a volume of 250 or less choosing ones that you think make a lot of sense for the business.
And then just go down. You could even export them potentially, but I’m just going to do this manually. And so we’re going to take tile roof replacement costs. We’re going to plug it in. And we’re going to do the volume for that. So 200 is the volume. And then I’m going to do how much let’s do single roof replacement costs. We’ll put that in as well. So I’m going to pop that in. And its volume is 250, not 2509. All right. And then I’m going to go down to let’s do some of the, oh, that’s sagging roof repair. I was really interested in that one. All right. And that keyword, let’s close them rush for now.
The tabs kill on me. It’s 100 for the volume there. And then I’m going to do clay tile. That’s 100 for the volume. And is there one more we can do? Does insurance cover roof replacement? Okay. All right. That’s good. We’ll do that. And I did not look. It is 250. Okay. So now you need the all entitled numbers. Look what this does for you over here.
It populates a link for you so you can easily just click the link. Grab the results. Now, oh, this one does not give us roof replacement costs. It’s putting a snippet. And again, it’s telling you, hey, you know, there’s different kinds of roofs out there, buddy. If you want the tile roof replacement cost, you might want to make this a little bit more specific. But what this does for you guys is it’s giving you extra long tail variations to look at. Clay tile roof replacement costs. Okay. So now I come in. I need to do my all entitled clay tile roof replacement cost to to now the question is, is that have any volume? So I go back to my tool.
Let’s open a new tab. And I’m going to grab that clay tile roof replacement cost, pop it in and let’s take a look. 30. I’m 30s fine. Although after 30 all day long with a with a KGR like that. Okay. Now suddenly clay tile roof replacement costs just became one of my targets, right? And you’re going to be able to sort these kind of by KGR to prioritize how you go after these. But we already know this is two. And look at that. It’s going to calculate my KGR right there. So let’s do this one does insurance cover roof replacement. So we’ll click on that link. And 210 is our number for that.
And then I’m going to do clay tile roof repair. And that’s going to give me, oh God, 1870. And that’s a no go. We already know 18 times the acceptable KGR. So that tells you no. Now look at this clay tile roof repair. We already know this is way out of bounds clay tile roof repair. But let’s go look at this clay tile roof repair. If you just looked, look at this. If you just looked at hrefs data and you said, hey, that’s 100 volume. And look, they’re telling me that’s easy to rank for, right? But what do you know? You know, hey, I’m more advanced in this. I got this KGR formula. That should tell me this is way out of bounds.
I’m not going for that. Not in, not at all. Okay. That is definitely excluded from our targeting. Targeting roof repair, I was really interested in this one. All right, I can do not a robot because it doesn’t allow you to do these all entitled like in bulk. Oh, and look, sagging roof repair. It’s giving me these other options. Now I can also come down. Oh, yeah, look at all these pages of results. Okay. So this is just like a no go, but I might have some different overhang. None of these really seem like, yeah. None of those really seem like their apical to me.
So you know what happens here, even though I kind of like the idea, it’s gone. The research is telling me, no, not a great idea. Single roof replacement cost. This is going to probably give me, okay, that didn’t ask for areas. So it gave me 163. And that’s in the yellow. That’s a maybe, all right. Tile roof replacement cost. All right. So now we’re doing, we could do concrete. We could do terracotta. We could do slate. So let’s do concrete. And we’ll make that our other variation. We’ll do all entitled.
Come on, be able to type today. And that’s going to give me three results. Okay. So instead of tile roof replacement, I’m doing concrete. All entitled is three, but this volume is not correct for this keyword. We need to figure out what that volume actually is. And 20, okay. And there isn’t even a keyword difficulty. So I’ll do 20 here. And we see that’s going to change our KGR to 0.15, okay. So this gives you yes or no, or maybe it also tells you what order you should probably target these in with a combination of volume and your KGR. Imagine if you had 100 of these, you would be able to find the exact three keywords. If you’re doing that technique I told you earlier, you’d be able to find the exact three keywords to go after.
Let me go back to screen here. So there we are. All right. So let’s do a little recap. You are narrowing your, you’re starting with a key, seed keyword. So you put in a seed keyword. You find all the variations of that keyword. Then you narrow it down to keywords that get 250 monthly searches or less. Then you find the all-entitle value for all of those keywords. And you find your KGR. You can just use the spreadsheet. Remember it’s all-entitled divided by the volume gives you your KGR. You’re looking for KGR is at 0.25 or less. And those are going to be your money terms to go after. Remember what I said in the very beginning?
That this stuff is foundational. If you’re taking a site from scratch or you’re starting with a brand new client, this is the technique that I would highly recommend you use in your initial stages. And then I’m going to show you how to use the same technique in the tier based approach where you can go in to any client regardless of their current organic traffic, regardless of their domain authority, and calculate exactly what tier they’re at for the keywords that they can rank for. And go after those keywords, just like we’re doing with this very low tier, you can do it with one of the mid or higher level tiers for any client. Super, super powerful stuff. Again, combine this because there is the, how do I choose really good keywords? What are the types of keywords? What does that mean? All of that? Like the commercial value of various keywords versus the non-commercial value of other types of keywords.
Go watch all my prerequisite videos. But know what KGR is. What is experimenting with this technique, even if it’s for your own business, your own agency, whatever, go ahead and start doing this so that you can see that it works. And then you can start using this for your clients. If you have any questions, let me know. But that’s it for today. I’ll be back very soon. Bye.